smut fic (again) :)

Oct 23, 2008 01:45


As her head settled on her soft pillow, she felt her eyes closing. Pete nuzzled into her neck, licking the ticklish spot that always made her giggle, yet she barely smiled,

“Hey, don’t fall asleep yet,” he whispered, his hands roaming all over her body. They hadn’t seen each other for two weeks and despite her insistence that she was tired and would rather spend the night relaxing at home, Pete’s perseverance had meant dinner and a movie, which on any other Friday night would’ve been the perfect end to her week. They’d had a thankfully uneventful week, but their last mission had been long and tedious, and even Daniel had seemed to be looking forward to a weekend off. She’d had a little too much wine at dinner and didn’t know how she’d managed to stay awake in the dark, warm movie theatre.

“Honey, I really don’t have the energy,” she was trying not to whine, quite unsuccessfully she thought. He rolled over, manipulating her limp body until his chest was pressed against hers and his hips fit snugly between her thighs. She could only count a handful of times she’d been so submissive in bed, but she took comfort from the warmth of his body on top of hers. She returned his slow kiss, her hands playing lazily across his shoulders.

“Missed you,” he murmured against her lips. She sighed, squeezing him a little closer.

“Me too,” she replied quietly. He seemed to take that as an invitation and kissed her with more urgency, his hips began to move and she could feel the heat building between them. This was all she’d wanted tonight, the simplicity of them sharing a moment like this. His mouth moved down her body, kissing her collar bone, flicking his tongue across a nipple and sucking it into his mouth, dipping his tongue into her navel and tracing a faded scar with a finger, then pressing a gentle kiss to it with a slight frown on his face.

He hooked his arms under her thighs, resting his hands flat on her abdomen and started to explore her with his tongue. She tucked her ankles behind his head, letting her knees fall and leaving her wide open and exposed to him, knowing her hips would be paying for it later, but it was usually worth it. Pete’s tongue was going through the usual progression of movement, circling slowly around her clitoris, and then flicking across it softly, building up in speed and intensity before starting over. Usually she’d be grabbing onto the sheets by now, urging him on as he worked her up to a climax, but tonight her senses were dulled by alcohol and fatigue and something seemed to be missing. For the first time in their relationship, she was seriously considering faking it.

“If it was me, you’d have come by now.” Her eyes shot open as she heard Jack’s voice. She turned her head sideways on the pillow and there he was, standing by her bed, watching. “In fact,” he glanced at Pete, “you’d be asleep by now. I would never have made you go out if you were that exhausted.” She squeezed her eyes shut and willed him to go away, trying to focus on Pete. When she opened her eyes again, Jack was leaning across her, his face only inches from hers.

“Poor Pete thinks he’s pushing all the right buttons.” The smug grin on his face was almost unbearable. He leaned in closer, his lips almost touching hers and she couldn’t help moving her head to try and meet him, but he pulled back. The frustration sent a surge of heat to her groin and she pushed her hips closer to Pete, feeling him smile and obviously thinking he was finally getting her going.

“You gonna tell him he’s doing it wrong?” Jack asked, teasing her skin and lips with his mouth, not quite touching and sending shivers through her whole body.  She glared at him.

“Tell him you want him to lick your entire length and push his tongue inside you.” She groaned and her back arched off the bed as the image of Jack between her legs, with his tongue buried inside her, shot through her head. He was grinning again and she wanted to hit him. She felt Pete reach a hand up to massage her breast.

“Tell him that’s not where you want his hands,” Jack whispered in her ear. She took hold of Pete’s hand and placed it back on her abdomen and threaded her fingers through his hair, gently pulling his head closer to her. He knew what that meant and moved his tongue quicker and with more pressure. Her breathing was laboured now and she was moaning quietly with almost every breath.

“It’s still not enough, is it Carter?” Jack had moved to stand by the bed again and she could feel his eyes on her, watching her breasts move as she panted. Damn him, he was right. She did need more. She tried to open her legs wider and they began to tremble under the strain. She could hear Jack’s laugh.

“That’s not it and you know it,” he gloated. She tried to shut him out, tried to get him out of her head, but she couldn’t. This had been happening more and more lately, but it was usually just a fleeting thought, not such a vivid image.

“I know exactly what you want Carter.” He was closer again and she sucked in a breath as she saw his hand making its way under her thigh. Her body shook with anticipation, knowing it would break her. She finally found her voice, instructing Pete between breaths, being very careful not to mention either name.

“Use your fingers,” she told him, and he obliged, shifting his body to free his hand and slipping two fingers inside her. He moved them back and forth, matching the rhythm of his tongue, but it still wasn’t enough.  She arched into him, trying to angle her hips to hit the right spot.

“Fucking moron,” Jack muttered, leaning against her bedroom wall, his arms folded across his chest. “Is this really what you want for the rest of your life? Lying in bed every Friday night, thinking about me, while he’s futzing around down there trying to get you off?” She managed to get hold of Pete’s wrist and hold his hand still. She moved her hips and found the connection she’d been striving for, and as she rode his fingers to her climax, she realised Jack had finally fallen silent.

Pete clambered his way back up her body as she moved her legs into a more comfortable position and tried to catch her breath. He kissed her neck and shoulders, giving her space to breathe as he settled back on top of her and his cock slid between her still contracting muscles. She lay staring at the ceiling as he pounded into her, and was aware of how heavy the ring on her left hand suddenly felt.

stargate, fic, sam/pete, sam/jack

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