
Oct 21, 2008 00:39

Just watched Fata Morgana (see I'm taking notice of the titles now!) :D

I really liked this ep. I agree with someone else that the whole show is paced quite slowly, but I think it adds something to it, I'm just not sure how to put it into words...

Is poor Henry gonna get whumped in every episode?? Lol. I liked the Helen/Ashley moments in this episode and I love how they're developing "The Big Guy" and his relationship with Helen.
I wasn't too impressed with the women (was one of them called Daniel?? LOL! I couldn't quite catch the name!) and I thought the explanation of why they were found in Scotland and were over 1200 years old, but spoke in modern American accents, was a bit too easy. The end seemed a bit rushed.Just a nit pick really. :) 
I absolutely adored Big Foot telling Helen they were beautiful and her totally not getting who he was talking about! And she kicked ass! In heels too!
I'm not really warming to Ashley yet, some moments I like, some are a bit over played and verging on corny.  
As for Will, did anyone else find it strange that he worked in Forensics but totally squicked at that creature when Helen was dissecting it?
Overall I'm still liking it and will definitely keep watching. OH likes it too, but he wasn't expecting AT's accent and knew nothing about the show before he saw the first ep, so he kinda spent the first two going "huh? what?" but he likes it. :)

fata morgana, sanctuary

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