Hnnngh, Yasu did kabuki? That's awesome! ^^ I generally find him more cute than sexy, but I do love his look in Noriko. Eh, I love them ALL in Noriko! Yasu's outfit just happens to be my second favourite! Aww, hell, I'd like just about *anyone* in traditional Japanese clothing... >___<
Kimi No Na Wa has been a big hit with Anime fans in the UK. I liked it, but it's not one of my favourites. I was lucky enough to see it in a cinema, since it got limited release over here - it was great hearing Kamiki's voice on the big screen! Well, not hearing it on the screen... you know what I mean! I'm going to presume you've already seen Kazoku Game too? I can't remember if it's been mentioned previously, sorry. That was what hooked me into being a Kamiki fan. Sulky teenage Kamiki versus sadistic older Sho. It's possibly my absolute favourite out of all the jdramas I've seen so far.
Oh yeah, I sometimes forget that fans living in Japan can see stuff just about EVERYWHERE! As opposed to me having to find everything online. Apparently there's some kind of Arashi scandal at the moment with Jun and Ohno? I've not really bothered finding out more, since I doubt it will affect me liking their shows, their music or their dramas anyway. You sure you want to risk buying a Yoko house? It would probably try and collapse on you... and I dread to think what they teach at Yasu school!
I do think Yoko and Haruka is really cute. I kind of like the rivalry there seems to be over her with Yoko and Ryo... but to me, she seems to rise above it all and just treat them like two cute students, which I guess they are! I love David too. One of the reasons I like Hina is because of the way he interacts with David, hugging him and sobbing on him and apologising when he gets it wrong.
I can barely cope with 30 seconds of crying baby, let alone 30 minutes! It was Suba, Yasu, Tacchon and Yoko who had to do the Batsu Game. (I picked it up a while ago - I can't remember which comm I got it from, but the translator is credited as ynaoblivious.) I get what you're saying about Japanese child-rearing, I have an interest in Japanese culture in general as well as liking jpop, jdramas and Anime, and it's something I've picked up on. Same with the attitude to romance and dating, which seems very strange to me. It's all so formal! That's not to say the British way of doing things is necessarily any better - it's a cultural difference, really - but I find it kind of sad that openly admitting your feelings in a relationship is still quite a big thing in Japan. I guess that's changing over there too with the younger generations? (I am also very much not a fan of Ryo's Love Superman! Ugh!)
Also, yeah, sorry about Tacchon! ^^; I know it might sound weird, especially since I love Yoko so much. But the way I see it, Yoko's brattiness mainly comes across to me as his onscreen persona - he likes being the centre of attention and he's a smug bastard when it comes to getting things right (such as the Telephone Game), but from what I've read and seen he's a lot more quiet and helpful when he doesn't have a camera pointed at him. Tacchon, though - I've seen Tacchon storm off the set when they did the dodgeball game with Satoh Takeru and had to have a foot massage, and be sulky and reluctant to do more aerial yoga when he almost hurt himself, and when Matchy-san ranked them all on KanJam, Tacchon was pouty that his dramas didn't get mentioned... that comes across to me as being more like his real self than Yoko's bratty side. Please correct me if I'm wrong! And like I said, I may just have happened to watch things which are less flattering to Tacchon's personality. (It won't put me off watching him in dramas though!) Plus it doesn't help that Tacchon looks *really* similar to one of my ex-partners, so there's that, too! ^^;
My order generally goes Yoko (obviously - capable of playing dark and sadistic characters, acts like a brat, but is apparently a complete sweetie), Hina (good at being an MC, sadistic and funny), Yasu (so much cute derp!), Maru and Suba (because combined, they are basically me - constantly making bad jokes, likes alcohol, has a reputation for being a perv), Ryo (I like his dramas, but I've not seen anything with him just being himself which massively interests me yet) and Tacchon (for the reasons already mentioned above!)
True. Yoko does seem to have a double personality. I think Tacchon kinda plays things up for the camera a lot, too, though. The storming off thing, though... I've seen Ohno have a very similar reaction when they tried to do that foot acupressure thing to him, too, because he *hates* having his feet touched. So it could've just been that they hit on something he *really* doesn't like. He was OK getting his ass whacked with a bat, burning his tongue on spicy curry, and having to smell a stinky sock..... so he can play along sometimes. Did you ever watch the Granny Gestures game he and Hina used to do? He was always so sweet and polite with the elderly couples. And I've seen a few things where he went solo to promote things and he's pretty quiet and well-mannered. In fact, he's probably the best mannered out of Eito, though Ryo comes pretty close because he's so shy. Tacchon was positively silent when he went on Arashi ni Shiyagare by himself. I think he only lets his temper fly when he's around his 'brothers.' So maybe, like real brothers, they just drive him nuts. Tacchon seems like the type who likes order, though, so Eito's chaos might get to him sometimes. He's said before he wishes he'd been put in Arashi... their relaxed atmosphere probably suits him better. Plus, he's the one who drops his Kansai-ben easiest. (Hina would probably rather cut his own leg off with a rusty hacksaw than speak standard dialect, lol.)
Yoko's a secret santa... he wants to do good deeds but is too shy to have people acknowledge his sweetness. Well, IRL. On TV he's like "REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME I WAS NICE TO YOU 10 YEARS AGO?! TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THAT!" Maru's actually surprisingly REALLY a perv. If you listen to clips from him & HIna's recomen show....... well, he can get pretty bad. Like there's this one where a girl writes in asking advice 'cause she's with her first boyfriend and she thinks he's going to pull away from her because he has expectations or something. Maru starts talking about how it's probably fine because guys get excited about thinking they'd be a girl's first..... then he proceeds to list all these different things he could be her first for and Hina and Yasu (special guest?) are just like "Woah dude, let's move on~" and Maru just keeps going. The comments were totally calling him Hentai, too. I kind of wonder if Baru's pervy ossan character is a show..... but Maru's really one of the freaks of the group. lol. Ryo, too. He tries to act cool and hide it, then he says giant boobs are what he likes on a girl and draws a scandalous picture on tour pamphlets. Tsk. Tsk. Must be all those warm colors, I guess. Red, Orange, and Yellow are the pervs whereas Blue, Purple, and Black are better at keeping it in their pants. Green I'd say is in the middle, though he leans more toward being a warm green based on his JaniBen personality :P
Not like...traditional Kabuki, but he did a stageplay of a Kabuki story. I guess it's about a rich man from the countryside who's half scarred over half his body, even his face (though in Yasu's case they just painted him with badass tats) who falls in love at first sight with a famous courtesan. The ending is pretty dramatic, though, from what I read of it so I wish I could've see it. There's a fancam version uploaded, though, so maybe I'll make do with that.
...wait, what's Noriko? Is that an autocorrect of Noroshi or did I miss something? o_o;;
Yeah, I got totally hooked on Kazoku Game when it was airing. But I only just now realized that the brother was Kamiki. I'M SO SLOW. But Kamiki's look is really versatile that he looks like different people to me when he changes his hairstyle x_x;;;
I heard about Jun's porn star scandal (and OMG HE CHEATED ON MAO! delusional fangirls are delusional) but I haven't heard anything about Oh-chan since like... last year when he got caught and had to break up with his baker girl then apologize to fans at a concert. (COMPLETE BS. Fans need to grow the eff up. I mean, I remember crying when I heard my favorite idol had a girlfriend before...... but I was like 12. Kind of pathetic women the same age and older than the boys freak the hell out when they even look at a woman.)
Why would a Yoko house collapse? Didn't he work in construction while on a JE break? He should know what he's doing! As for the Yasuda school... funnily enough it's an all-girls' school. lol. But it's also got one of the best reputations in the area. They're smart girls. Also rich girls usually, so.....
I think Haruka deals with them well because she's about the same age. If they brought in a girl in her early 20s, it'd be way harder to deal with them. I wonder if Yoko's pulling out of this rivalry since he was actually badmouthing Haruka last time... naughty boy. Hina... it's funny. As much as he tells female guests their bellies should never be bigger than their boobs, he seems to really like hugging/resting against David's tummy. lol. Maybe Hina secretly has one of those giant teddy bears at home that he snuggles into when he watches soccer. When people come over he tell them he bought it for an ex and just hasn't gotten rid of it. lol
Baby crying isn't pleasant but nothing makes my brain shut down faster than "Here, hold the baby for a moment!" Like "....what the hell do you want me to do with this thing?! It's not fluffy like a puppy and it's way more drooly!" And, to their credit, I've never had a puppy projectile vomit on or poo all over me, either.... so they're much more well-behaved. Guys are so lucky. They're not expected to be good with kids. I'd think that Baru, Yasu & Tacchon would be good with babies, though! Yoko maybe? Did they all totally fail?
Yeah, I had a friend who has British parents (who was raised in a different country) say that the lack of expressed affection was a really big mental stress on them. When they tried talking to their parents about it, they were just like, "Well, I can't change how I am so suck it up. I raised you, so that should be good enough, right?"
Just when I thought Love Superman had died, it came back. Damn.
Kimi No Na Wa has been a big hit with Anime fans in the UK. I liked it, but it's not one of my favourites. I was lucky enough to see it in a cinema, since it got limited release over here - it was great hearing Kamiki's voice on the big screen! Well, not hearing it on the screen... you know what I mean! I'm going to presume you've already seen Kazoku Game too? I can't remember if it's been mentioned previously, sorry. That was what hooked me into being a Kamiki fan. Sulky teenage Kamiki versus sadistic older Sho. It's possibly my absolute favourite out of all the jdramas I've seen so far.
Oh yeah, I sometimes forget that fans living in Japan can see stuff just about EVERYWHERE! As opposed to me having to find everything online. Apparently there's some kind of Arashi scandal at the moment with Jun and Ohno? I've not really bothered finding out more, since I doubt it will affect me liking their shows, their music or their dramas anyway. You sure you want to risk buying a Yoko house? It would probably try and collapse on you... and I dread to think what they teach at Yasu school!
I do think Yoko and Haruka is really cute. I kind of like the rivalry there seems to be over her with Yoko and Ryo... but to me, she seems to rise above it all and just treat them like two cute students, which I guess they are! I love David too. One of the reasons I like Hina is because of the way he interacts with David, hugging him and sobbing on him and apologising when he gets it wrong.
I can barely cope with 30 seconds of crying baby, let alone 30 minutes! It was Suba, Yasu, Tacchon and Yoko who had to do the Batsu Game. (I picked it up a while ago - I can't remember which comm I got it from, but the translator is credited as ynaoblivious.) I get what you're saying about Japanese child-rearing, I have an interest in Japanese culture in general as well as liking jpop, jdramas and Anime, and it's something I've picked up on. Same with the attitude to romance and dating, which seems very strange to me. It's all so formal! That's not to say the British way of doing things is necessarily any better - it's a cultural difference, really - but I find it kind of sad that openly admitting your feelings in a relationship is still quite a big thing in Japan. I guess that's changing over there too with the younger generations? (I am also very much not a fan of Ryo's Love Superman! Ugh!)
My order generally goes Yoko (obviously - capable of playing dark and sadistic characters, acts like a brat, but is apparently a complete sweetie), Hina (good at being an MC, sadistic and funny), Yasu (so much cute derp!), Maru and Suba (because combined, they are basically me - constantly making bad jokes, likes alcohol, has a reputation for being a perv), Ryo (I like his dramas, but I've not seen anything with him just being himself which massively interests me yet) and Tacchon (for the reasons already mentioned above!)
Yoko's a secret santa... he wants to do good deeds but is too shy to have people acknowledge his sweetness. Well, IRL. On TV he's like "REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME I WAS NICE TO YOU 10 YEARS AGO?! TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THAT!" Maru's actually surprisingly REALLY a perv. If you listen to clips from him & HIna's recomen show....... well, he can get pretty bad. Like there's this one where a girl writes in asking advice 'cause she's with her first boyfriend and she thinks he's going to pull away from her because he has expectations or something. Maru starts talking about how it's probably fine because guys get excited about thinking they'd be a girl's first..... then he proceeds to list all these different things he could be her first for and Hina and Yasu (special guest?) are just like "Woah dude, let's move on~" and Maru just keeps going. The comments were totally calling him Hentai, too. I kind of wonder if Baru's pervy ossan character is a show..... but Maru's really one of the freaks of the group. lol. Ryo, too. He tries to act cool and hide it, then he says giant boobs are what he likes on a girl and draws a scandalous picture on tour pamphlets. Tsk. Tsk. Must be all those warm colors, I guess. Red, Orange, and Yellow are the pervs whereas Blue, Purple, and Black are better at keeping it in their pants. Green I'd say is in the middle, though he leans more toward being a warm green based on his JaniBen personality :P
...wait, what's Noriko? Is that an autocorrect of Noroshi or did I miss something? o_o;;
Yeah, I got totally hooked on Kazoku Game when it was airing. But I only just now realized that the brother was Kamiki. I'M SO SLOW. But Kamiki's look is really versatile that he looks like different people to me when he changes his hairstyle x_x;;;
I heard about Jun's porn star scandal (and OMG HE CHEATED ON MAO! delusional fangirls are delusional) but I haven't heard anything about Oh-chan since like... last year when he got caught and had to break up with his baker girl then apologize to fans at a concert. (COMPLETE BS. Fans need to grow the eff up. I mean, I remember crying when I heard my favorite idol had a girlfriend before...... but I was like 12. Kind of pathetic women the same age and older than the boys freak the hell out when they even look at a woman.)
Why would a Yoko house collapse? Didn't he work in construction while on a JE break? He should know what he's doing! As for the Yasuda school... funnily enough it's an all-girls' school. lol. But it's also got one of the best reputations in the area. They're smart girls. Also rich girls usually, so.....
I think Haruka deals with them well because she's about the same age. If they brought in a girl in her early 20s, it'd be way harder to deal with them. I wonder if Yoko's pulling out of this rivalry since he was actually badmouthing Haruka last time... naughty boy. Hina... it's funny. As much as he tells female guests their bellies should never be bigger than their boobs, he seems to really like hugging/resting against David's tummy. lol. Maybe Hina secretly has one of those giant teddy bears at home that he snuggles into when he watches soccer. When people come over he tell them he bought it for an ex and just hasn't gotten rid of it. lol
Baby crying isn't pleasant but nothing makes my brain shut down faster than "Here, hold the baby for a moment!" Like "....what the hell do you want me to do with this thing?! It's not fluffy like a puppy and it's way more drooly!" And, to their credit, I've never had a puppy projectile vomit on or poo all over me, either.... so they're much more well-behaved. Guys are so lucky. They're not expected to be good with kids. I'd think that Baru, Yasu & Tacchon would be good with babies, though! Yoko maybe? Did they all totally fail?
Yeah, I had a friend who has British parents (who was raised in a different country) say that the lack of expressed affection was a really big mental stress on them. When they tried talking to their parents about it, they were just like, "Well, I can't change how I am so suck it up. I raised you, so that should be good enough, right?"
Just when I thought Love Superman had died, it came back. Damn.
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