Title: Forgotten
draco_crescendoRating: G
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: #99 Forgotten.
Word Count: ca 250.
Summary: Draco hides his school marks from Lucius.
Warnings: none.
Notes: Written for
100quills. Thanks goes to my lovely beta
Even though the exams in June had been cancelled, that didn’t mean that there were no other marks to show at home. Draco had hidden that report somewhere in his trunk and when the end of July neared, he began to think that his father had forgotten about it. Weeks passed and still no word on it. Draco was satisfied.
When he decided it was time to sort out his trunk and prepare for next school year, Draco noticed the card was no longer in his trunk. He emptied the entire thing, but still no sign of it. He frowned. Had he put it somewhere else?
“Draco?” His father’s voice called. “Come downstairs at once!”
Draco rolled his eyes, descended the stairs and walked into the sitting room. He noticed his father sitting on the sofa, his legs crossed and the report card dangling between his fingers. He paled and swallowed the lump in his throat. This was not good.
“What is this?” Lucius bit out. “Have you seen your own marks, Draco?! They are a discgrace!”
“But, father…” Draco meekly protested, “I could have gotten higher marks if the exams hadn’t been cancelled!”
“Silence!” Lucius demanded. “I will not have you slacking during the year! Your marks must be kept up, Draco. It is bad enough that that Mudblood Granger bested you throughout the entire year! You are lucky exams have been cancelled or you would have been humiliated again!”
Lucius pushed the card into his hands and stalked out of the room, leaving a rather sulky Draco behind.
Comments are welcome. ♥