Title: Close your mind
ravenclawsquillPrompt: Caught in a blizzard
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary: Harry’s not the only student in need of Occlumency lessons.
Notes: Thank you to my super speedy beta,
Before he had time to think, let alone react, Draco was caught in a blizzard of his bleakest thoughts. His darkest memories rose like plumes of fog in the frigid dungeon air, enveloping him so tightly he could barely breathe.
There was no escape, fighting was hopeless...
With shaking hands, he closed the windows to his mind, bolting the shutters and drawing the drapes.
Skilled fingers probed at the edges of his mind, searching relentlessly for weaknesses, finding none, until finally - finally - the assault came to an end.
When Draco opened his eyes, Snape was almost smiling.