Title: Queen Of The World
Author / Artist: hiddenhibernian
Prompt: A lazy afternoon
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Draco/Hermione
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Warnings: None
Notes: Poor Draco never gets his way.
“Russia could do with shaking up. Those anti-Muggle laws are a disgrace!” Only Hermione could get het up about Muggles, even stretched out on a divan.
“Deal,” Draco said lazily, pinching a grape from the bunch hovering in the air above him. “If I get to add a new department for Quidditch to the Ministry. And update the rules to allow Muggle missiles.”
“What about the Wizengamot? I think they've had their time.”
With a superhuman effort, Hermione got on to her feet. “Time's up, Unspeakable Malfoy.”
Draco groaned. “You forgot the house-elves!”
“Nice try - back to work.”