Business As Usual (or see also
here via tags on the author's LJ site)
Fandom: BtVS
To quote the author: It seems a long time ago since I was watching an episode of Buffy called The Replacement. In it the Scoobies discover Spike wandering around the local garbage dump and ask him why he's there. He replies that he was having a nice cup of tea served by the lady vampire who ran a teashop. And I thought, of course, and her name is Agnes Pringle. An English spinster lady of indeterminate age, turned in Hollywood while she was on holiday - an event which she says Was Not Her Fault. So a very reluctant vampire, a good cook, Spike's friend and forever mine as well.
Thus begins an epic and wonderful journey into the world of Agnes, who will quickly and unforgettably capture your heart. There are not all that many fictional characters that become real enough to me that I develop a mental image of their face but Agnes does. She rapidly took on a life of her own and will forever exist for me somewhere 'out there', serving tea and struggling to do the right thing despite the Unfortunate Incident that made her a vampire. You will not regret reading this. The writing is simply superb and my only regret was that it ended.
ETD: There's now a Christmas ep called "First Christmas" which can be found
ETD2 (2013): And now another installment set in England to be found here in "
A Nice Little Business". An encounter between Agnes, Buffy & Faith.
ETD3 (2014): Another Christmas story for the end of 2014 called "
…and mercy mild…"
ETD4 (2015):
A Nice Little Business,Chapter 2. See ETD2 for chapter 1. Agnes fled from Sunnydale to England before the battle with the First, taking with her the vampire children she was caring for. But now Spike has died a second time, she has had a close encounter with Buffy and Giles and her unlife is about to alter once again.
Length: long (43 chapt)
Rating: PG
Pairing: none