
Sep 30, 2007 16:33

Considering the mess of things that's culminated into a warped vision of a week, it is with some respite that I now find myself in my large, spacious and delightfully positioned Warwick accommodation. My enrolment sorted itself out barely half an hour on arrival, and I await my induction lecture tomorrow.

But that matter was compounded with my debit card expiring, well, tomorrow, and HSBC having helpfully sent my new one to my Norwich branch in mid-August, with no ensuing warning, after I expressively told them not to do so. Let us see how quickly this can be dealt with.

Word to the wise, kids: Keep your thumb on the blade, and thrust upwards. It's a brave, new and frightening future out there.

P.S. The Nightly News trade is a thing of insight and beauty and I'll likely be voicing more on the subject at some time in the future. And good lord, Mirbeau's The Torture Garden is an eye-tearing work of corrosive genius.

P.P.S. The House, M.D. season 4 première is amazing.

the nightly news, jonathan hickman, the torture garden, octave mirbeau, life, house

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