Jun 13, 2009 21:52
About myself actually...
I seem to be shutting people and the world out and just trying to, well, sleep most of the time.
I don't have much energy outside of work so I get home and then either watch TV or sleep.
I don't really have any friends up here either, so I don't go socialising.
As such my house is a mess, laundry isn't done and I just don't want to do it >.<
The last two weeks I've had my mobile phone off (It ran out of power and between one thing and another I forgot to turn it back on) and the only messages I had were two from my mum and a lot from Jenny Craig.
I'm finding Jenny Craig good but not as good as Lite and Easy was, there is still a lot of preparation to be done.
I don't know, I think I'm just falling apart a little...