Many Thanks, Part 5 ( drabble from 'A Credit to Their Houses' universe)

Apr 01, 2015 14:40

Many Thanks, Part 5

By dracontia

Summary: The day after Christmas, Scorpius dutifully sits down with quill, ink, and parchment. Another “A Credit to Their Houses” sequel, set in our trio’s First Year.

Disclaimer: Not my characters, and my only brooms are strictly earthbound.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Potter,

Thank you so much for the broom! I can hardly hold my quill it is the most wonderful broom, ever! and I love it ever so much!! And I can’t believe it even when I’m holding it in my own hands! and can’t wait until I am allowed to take it to school!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyouforever! I am so sorry for my poor grammar but I’m too excited just thinking of it thank you so much I never hoped for a real FIREBOLT SEEKER X! It’s too much but oh it is the most brilliant thing EVER!

Thank you forever and ever,

Scorpius H. Malfoy

Comprehensive Fic List

gen, ginny weasley, a credit to their houses sequel, scorpius hyperion malfoy, harry potter

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