Many Thanks, Part 3: 'A Credit to their Houses' Sequel

Feb 06, 2015 16:11

Many Thanks, Part 3: 'A Credit to their Houses' Sequel

By dracontia
Summary: The day after Christmas, Scorpius dutifully sits down with quill, ink, and parchment. Some notes inspire a reply. Another “A Credit to Their Houses” sequel, set in our trio’s First Year.

Disclaimer: I have some lovely cousins, but Scorpius and Teddy aren’t among them. I do not profit from peeping at their correspondence.

Note: Spelling mistakes are Scorpius’ imperfect understanding of Muggle terms. (In fairness, Teddy doesn’t always get them quite perfect, either.)

Dear Cousin Teddy,

Thank you for the dennim jeans trousers. I’m beginning to get used to such clothes. They are much more convenient for tree climbing than robes, and I am doing more climbing now that Albus Severus and Rose visit. I wish you would visit sometimes, too. Al says you spend all your time with his cousin Victoire. I mean, girls are nice enough I suppose, but don’t they become tiresome after a while?

Your cousin,

Dear Cousin,

You’re welcome-glad you can use the jeans! Thanks for reminding me of thank-you notes, I must thank your dad for making that spiffing Sneakoscope. It’s loads more handsome than the store ones and works just as well.

Sorry I’ve not been about. I’ll ask Aunt Cissy if she’ll let me take you to Diagon sometime during Easter hols, I should have a day or two off training then. Victoire will take us to some Muggle stores too, if you like, and she’ll dress us both up proper.

Trust me, when you’re older, you’ll understand how much nicer girls are than trees.

Your cousin,

Comprehensive Fic List

gen, a credit to their houses sequel, scorpius hyperion malfoy, teddy lupin

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