Aug 03, 2009 12:55
The University of Florida has successfully regrown retinal tissue using stem cells! And they are able to harvest them from your own bone marrow, so there is no threat of rejection and no need to use embryo cells!!! They even program the cells with drug therapy now instead of gene therapy! My cure is finally within sight!!! Only a matter of years, now! Human testing, (which I plan to sign up for,) government approval, and perfection of the drugs used and BAM, after aeons of blindness being the ultimate incurable, life stealing, crippling condition it will be OBSOLETE!!!
The first thing I'm going to do is sign back up for Jujutsu, Kendo, get my driver's license, and go back to college for oceanography. I'm going to start diving again, resume archery, get back into shape, finally get that concealed weapons permit, and tell this godforsaken disabilities system to FUCK ITSELF ROTTEN. I'll be a normal person again... I can't wait.
In my lifetime I'll see an end to blindness. Praise God!