Oct 02, 2005 03:10
So I finally went and saw Curios Savage tonight. I was surprised to find that on the third weekend, there were still line flubs. Luckily, I didn't notice any from any of the players I associate with. And while I had heard some pretty bad things from said players, everyone who saw it raved. So I went in with a pretty open mind. A few of you who are in teh show will be reading this, but I've decided not to write directly to you guys, instead I will write to a general auience. So pretend you don't know what I'm talking about right now (And you probably don't because I'm not even sure anymore.)
I thought it was wodnerful. The characters are so well written, and most of them brought to life very well. Quint was great as a frazzled genius. He looked the part, as well, which was very cool. And I thought the violin playing was magnificent. But then I've also hear Mr. Jones play. I really enjoyed Colby's "scar." I know Jim is a lunatic about things like that, which can tend to make things of that nature seem forced, but it certainly didn't in this instance. I was also shocked by the chemistry between Colby and Laura. That worked so well, Bravo. Madeline was really into this part, I fear. Lol. We were talking the other day abotu whether or not she is cute anymore. I think she used alot of it up in that character. Molly Shannon meets Mollt Ringwald, but a hudnred times more likeable. Believe it or not, whenever she cried or wished herself dead, it was almost too sad to bear. If it weren't so funny, I think it would have brought people to tears. I liked Laura as an ex military nurse. Her sensitive side was well played, but her stark rigidity was very present. I had heard that Chris was really bad, but either he pulled things together, or I missed something. Asside from his character being a non-entity in the play, I thought it was a decent performance. (I've lost my playbill, so some of the next few notes might use character names, or perhaps simply descriptions if I can't remember their names either.) Lovall was surprisingly likeable. And it was a little earily how her parenting skills are so similiar in real life. "Where is Madeline? Oh playing with a saw? Whatever..." Mrs. Paddy was hilarious. Especially that silly stare through the coke bottles. LMAO. Chrsiten was on, as usual. She plays cooky old ladies very well. I wonder why that is? There are others of course, but I found very little to note. One point, that Jim made a refference to in the playbil, was that overal chemistry of the cast was superb. It was very cool to see the different goups of characters and their interactions. It was all very consistent, which made the whole show cohesive. As for the ending, all I have to say is that a very funny, and silly show, with such a profound ending is hard to pull off. But you could feel the tension in the room when the final lights came up, and the world as the inhabitants of the Cloisters was revealed. Holy fucking shit that was cool.
I give it a score of Awesome +1.