Compile post for DRAC'S BRIDES

Oct 19, 2008 09:38

1. A emo poem written by Sam Winchester

Wounds Bled Dry By Your Indifference

Why won't you look at me
when all I want is your smile-
glinting, gleaming, sharp and silver
with my soul locked up inside it?

Do you know my name
like I know your favorite color,
rosy red, deep and dangerous
as you steal it from my heart?

Can you feel my gaze
as it follows you like the sun,
shining softly, warm and wistful
while I wait behind unnoticed?

Will you ever love me
if I leave before you know me,
grieving, gone, rushed and running
off to somewhere you'll never be?

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2. your favorite Sam and Dean shirtless photos (one for each)

Dean -


And some more:
Shirtless Dean

Shirtless Sam

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#3 - Dean's LJ

Hey, LJ! This is the one and only Casanova of the Roads, writing to you today from somewhere in New Mexico. (Can't be more specific than that--the cops are still chasing my ass.)

So let me tell you all about last night. There was this hot chick in the bar, right? I mean, feisty! Playing pool and downing shots like they were candy. Oh, man, and she was all over me, too. Great rack, curvy, something you could grab onto, you know? She was so into me. And I was into her, too, you'd better believe it. We started gettin' a little hot and heavy right there, both of us still holding onto our pool cues, and the atmosphere was awesome, dudes, I mean, the air smelled like smoke and good beer, and I had filled the jukebox up with classics before we got started, and right then we got some Motorhead going, and everything was just, mm, perfect, and then...

Okay, my bratty little brother has been trying to push me off the laptop for like an hour, whiny little bitch, so I gotta go now, but I'm totally gonna finish this story, so hold onto your shorts.

Road Casanova, signing off!

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4. a drabble that starts with the line “once upon a time"

From The Treasury Of "Least-Loved" Fairytales

Once upon a time, there lived four Winchesters with ordinary dreams.

Then ceiling-fire Mommy burned the house down, and the others went searching for the truth that would set her memory free. They searched a lot.

They found monsters and demons and other bad things, and one day Daddy sold his soul to an evil janitor and his sons became orphans. They were pissed.

Sam died despite Dean's scary secret, but Dean brought him back. After a year of dumb-ass antics (and cheeseburgers), Dean went to Hell. He was rescued by a reset button with wings.

Happy ending? Not yet…


No Saviors But Ourselves

Once upon a time, they were unburdened and free. Their dreams were simple-just the four of them together-but their end was simple too.

Fire burned away their past (their future), leaving only grief and impossible questions. The three survivors fled.

They wandered, chasing answers and the solace of vengeance for two decades. Fractured at the end, they found each other briefly before tragedy struck again.

Trading himself for Dean (who later did the same for Sam), John repeated a family legacy he'd never known.

Two are left. If the world burns down, they'll die fighting the flames together.

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5, so we don't have to write it.

Here's a "secret" interview with Jensen:
Warning--extremely graphic. Maybe this'll do? Really stumped on how to write one, since we don't do RPF at all.

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6. the cutest kitten ever

As selected by thousands of people all over the Internet, here are the cutest kittens.

... Hunh. I didn't know Dean sometimes calls himself Sinatra

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Crazy Love - Jason Manns feat. Jensen Ackles

(While I believe he did release it to fans for free afterward, if you at all can, please go buy the CD or download from his myspace page. The guy's an independent artist and needs every sale he can get, plus it's the nice thing to do. :-D )

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8. what really happened when Miss Piggy took a liking to Dean Winchester? We want the story.

A Non-Kosher 'Connection' (PG)

"He was the handsomest thing I've ever seen-and that includes Kermie," the porcine puppet said. She tossed her hair carelessly, accidentally tangling it over an ear.

"Of course, he could not resist the charms of moi." She leaned forward, batting felt-fringe eyelashes at her attentive, blue-beaked friend. "And not a moment too soon. These small-town gigs are the worst. A girl could die of boredom in a place like this."

She turned her gaze wistfully toward the window.


Dean opened the door hurriedly and swung inside, slamming it behind him and fastening both locks.

"Rock salt?" Sam asked from the table where he was doing research.

"It won't help, I’m almost sure of it. Get the rope, and one of the shotguns."

Sam dug through their stash of in-room armaments while Dean peeked nervously through the motel blinds. "What the hell happened out there, anyway?"

Dean turned away, leaning back against the door and planting his feet. "I was attacked by a Furry."

"A what?" Sam handed him the shotgun.

"A-never mind, you're too young."

"You always say that. I'm twenty-four now."

Dean backed away from the door and sat down, shotgun ready for anything that might come bursting in. "Some freak in a pig costume came onto me when I was checking out the old theater just now."

"Someone who worked there, dressed up for a play?"

"No," Dean said. "Well, probably not. It'd have to be a midget, for one thing, and how much work can there be for a midget in a pig suit?"

"Um… Animal Farm as a musical? Some sort of avant-garde production of Othello?"

"Get serious." Dean ran a hand over his face, then scrubbed more fiercely as his fingers lit on traces of fuzzy fibers sticking to his beard stubble. "This is Nebraska-they don't go for that kind of weirdness here."

"And yet, you got attacked by someone in a pig costume."

"I said there's no audience for weird here, I didn't say the area was lacking in twisted individuals."

"So, what-you couldn't outrun the pig? You thought it might overpower you?"

Dean scowled. "It wasn't like that. I just… one minute I was looking through one of the back corridors, and the next this pig-person in a silver jumpsuit was climbing all over me. It was talking in fake French in this high-pitched voice, and then-"

"Go on."

"It kissed me. There was tongue-fur, Sam! I'm going to go to my grave with the feeling of tongue-fur etched in my brain." Dean got up abruptly and went into the bathroom, running the water and gargling noisily.

"So?" Sam said. "Come on, Dean, you've been through worse-we've had run-ins with zombies, and you've been slimed more times than I can count."

"It's not the same!" Dean argued. "It's like you and that time with the tentacles-"

"You promised never to bring that up again!"

"Okay, okay," Dean patted Sam's shoulder clumsily, then paced a short path around the motel table. His eyes fell on his duffel bag, where he kept a flask of whiskey, then drifted back to the shotgun still clenched in his hand.

"It's all right, I'll get it for you," Sam said. He dug out the flask and took off the cap, holding the container out for Dean.

"Thanks." Dean downed a heavy shot, choking a little as it burned its way through his mouth.

"So what're we going to do now? I mean, we still have the case to solve and everything."

Dean kept staring at the door, his hand never leaving the shotgun. "I say this is our case for the time being-whatever came after me today isn't human, not with a tongue like that. Could be a shapeshifter, or some kind of demon."

"Are you serious? Are we really going to drop everything and head off on some personal mission to avenge your wounded manhood?"

"Hell yeah, Sammy-it's the Winchester way."

"It is not," Sam grumbled, "It's delusional and stupid."

"Whatever." Dean gestured toward the ammunitions bag with the gun. "Just set up the salt lines and shut up."


"And before you say anything else," Dean added firmly, "I call first watch."

----- THE END -----

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#9 The celebrity duo that just *might* be more in love than Jared/Jensen

George Clooney and Brad Pitt-the bromance is strong in this one.

Item 1: Their chemistry in the Ocean’s movies. Seriously, you’ve seen them?

Item 2: George and Brad tease each other in extremely public ways, like taking out ads in Variety and showing pictures on interview shows:

Item 3: George says that their love scene was cute from Brokeback Mountain:
You have to be pretty comfortable with your love to say that in public!

Item 4: The couple that pranks together, stays together:

Item 5: The many blogs devoted to the subject, e.g.:

Item 6: These photos.

No one can make George laugh the way Brad can.¤t=george_clooney_brad_pitt_run_for_pr.jpg¤t=gclooney.jpg

Bunny ears!¤t=bunnyears.jpg


And last but not least, this one, which I couldn’t seem to save on my computer and upload to photobucket, but really, just go look at it.

[Compiler note: Graphic links were not doing Img Src, sorry]
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10 - Castiel's Favourite album

Castiel's favorite album is definitely any album that includes Carman's "The Champion." Seriously, listen to it:

These are the four albums that have that song:

The Champion (1987)
The Absolute Best (1993)
Heart of a Champion (2000)
The Ultimate Collection (2007)

I'm pretty sure Castiel collected them all. He's a completist.

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11. the worst House of Wax fic featuring Jared's character

(Warning: Contains graphic ick. Big time. Also spoilers for House of Wax, if anyone cares.)

Wade's Final Moments

The worst thing about getting cooked alive by hot wax was it got boring after a while. Yeah, pain, ow, gonna die, whatever. It just kept going on and on and once the nerves burnt out it was the most boring thing Wade had ever had happen to him. It was like a billion levels of Tetris, the same thing over and over and over.

Then when the sprayers stopped, all he could do was sit there, encased in wax, making involuntary "oh god I'm gonna die" noises, watching the crazy wax killer guy mess with the machinery, and pick out clothes and props and stuff. Getting hamstrung and stabbed had been more interesting.

The ride on the dolly up to the museum level was kind of interesting except Wade was upside-down and backwards with his ass sticking in the air and all he could see as his eyeballs were starting to dry out was the floor whipping past his wax-coated and cooked nose. He figured he'd at least get a head rush out of it, but his blood appeared to be busy doing more important things than rushing to his head. Something wet dripped out of the wax casing beside his eye, but the dolly had moved on before he could even see what color it was.

He was surprised he didn't puke either, upside down and backwards, and while it would have been something that wasn't boring, barfing inside a complete body cast of wax that had cooked the entire surface of his body to a squishily shifting slurry of skin was a kind of not boring he could probably do without.

Then the wax guy set him up in front of the piano, like the last moments of his life weren't boring enough already. Would it kill the psycho to stick him in front of a TV or an Xbox or something? Not like he could work a controller, but he could at least watch the cut scenes. But no, he had to die sitting at a piano, staring at some stupid classical music sheets. The same two classical music sheets.

A fly flew past, then buzzed right up to his eye and landed. He blinked, it flew away and landed again. He spent a minute wondering if he wanted to spend more of his final moments staring at the sheet music or staring at an extreme close-up of a fly's ass. He hadn't made up his mind yet when the fly got bored of his eye and flew off.

Boring, boring, gonna die, boring.

It was kind of a relief when Dalton came in and peeled half his face off, really.

--- The End ---

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#12 I hear there's a monthly poker game for evil things and a lot of times they talk about those pesky Winchesters...provide proof of this.

Oh man is there ever! They take over my kitchen table! I hate when they do that; they always leave a huge mess. Here, let me show you:

See? They took over my kitchen table completely. This time around it was Doc Benton, Lilith, Kate the Vampire, and the Trickster,

Doc Benton dragged his mangled carcass out of that buried refrigerator and man did he ever complain about Sam and Dean! Immortals really don't like being buried alive. He also got dirt all over everything, but I suppose it could have been something worse. :-P

Kate has apparently become a Vampire rights advocate since Luther's death and was very strident about how living off human blood was no reason to be subjected to genocide. She and Doc Benton got into an argument. I think there's some bad blood between them.

The Trickster went on and on about how slow on the uptake Sam was and how he normally wouldn't hang out in the evil end of the pool but he had to complain to someone who understood. The rest of them were quite thrilled with all the different ways he'd managed to kill Dean. Personally I think he might have been spying, but I can never tell with him whose side he's really on.

Lilith had the usual complaints about how Sam was being a pain and causing trouble when he should really just acknowledge that she's the Queen of everything and drop dead. She did cheer up a little when she won an IOU from Benton.

Of course she also brought Dean's voided contract to whine about angels and Winchesters ruining all her fun. Again.

I'm just glad Lillith and the Trickster ran out of candy or they would still be here! They all left in a hurry though. I think they heard an Impala pull into the parking lot. What a mess!

If you'll excuse me I need to go clean up now.

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13 - Scary Livejournal entry

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14 - Drinks for Dean and Sam


A Short Trip to Hell

1 shot Jägermeister
2 oz. Schnapps, peach
2 oz. Schnapps, strawberry
2 oz. Schnapps, wild berry
1 can Red Bull

Glass to Use
Highball glass

Mixing Instructions
Shake Red Bull, peach, strawberry, and wild berry schnapps in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into glass. Then put Jagermeister into shot glass. Drop in the shot and drink.


Demonade (Get it? Demon-Aid? Har har har.)

1 oz. Everclear
1 dash Grenadine
12 oz. Lemonade
1 dash Tabasco Sauce

Glass to Use
Highball glass

Mixing Instructions
Shake lemonade and Everclear in a cocktail shaker with ice. Add grenadine and tabasco sauce. Strain into glass.

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15. Rap

We're Drac's Brides
We've got some pride
if there's anywhere you wanna be it's on our side

Our hubs is cool
he ain't no fool
he can hear your pulse and it makes him drool

It's a Drac attack!


*gives up*

We deserve to win because we're too cute to rap

*fires up Carmelldansen*
*record scratch*

No wait!

The Last-Minute Rap

We are the last-minute wonders,
Despite all our blunders.
We have lots of cool pics,
And hilarious fics.
Our booty is the best!
So just give it rest!
You’ll never defeat us!
On our side we have Jesus!
And um, other stuff.

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