Here it is, prompt #239
And Drabylon's final prompt.
Those that know me well know that I've been agonizing over this decision for months. The declining participation in our community has led me to pull the plug instead of allowing Drabylon to die a slow, ugly death. Melodramatic? Maybe. But I am a writer, after all.
I want to thank
kitasangel, and
seanmegansean for assistance in selecting our final prompt. Personally, I think Brian and Justin were at their happiest in 314.
So. Drabylon will remain open, just on permanent hiatus. There are well over 250 different prompts to choose from if you want to post a drabble. I'll still be here for questions or problems. I'll keep the links as updated as I can. If a picture drops out of our lineup, leave a comment here or PM me and I'll get it back up. I'll keep tags updated. I'll approve new members that may want to browse (of course, the dob rule still applies).
Thank you to all of our writers and everyone that took the time to leave a comment. You all were the heart of Drabylon, and I thank you for allowing me to guide you for a time.
Drabble on, folks