Responding to the response to 'Queer the Census'

Apr 15, 2010 21:22

Just read the latest missive from National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Executive Director Rea Carey responded to criticism by some conservative someone who complained about the "Queer the Census" campaign; Kate proclaimed, "..well, we must be doing something right."

Evidently, Peter LaBarbera, president of the conservative group "Americans for Truth on Homosexuality", recently reacted to NGLTF's campaign: “The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is using this sticker and a national ‘Queer the Census’ campaign to turn the U.S. Census into a homosexual visibility project."

NGLTF's response? "Damn right we are!"

This is yet another reason I'm proud of many years' membership in the NGTLF: their petition demanding an accurate count of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the U.S.; their campaign to accurately count GLBT married couples in the 2010 census, and those lovely You-tube videos of George Takei and his partner explaining that the term "married" means "...if you consider yourself married", (and NOT "are you legally married").

...but what I love most: this email calls for friends and members to donate to NGLTF in (let us call this) "dishonor" of that spokesman. NGLTF will then "...send a special thank-you note to Mr. LaBarbera and Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, letting them know just how many of our supporters have made gifts to the Task Force in their honor."

I think I'll send along a small token of my appreciation.
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