Ganked from
elainegrey .
My (LJ) name is _____, because ______.
My LJ name is drabblewriter, because when I joined it was primarily to post all the Doctor Who drabbles I had been writing
My journal is titled ______ because ______.
My journal is titled "Drabble in Time and Space" for the above reason.
My journal is subtitled _______ because ______.
My journal is subtitled "a place for Doctor Who fanfiction and other ramblings," because I use it to post some whofic, memes, and other random things that pop into (and then out of) my head.
My friends page is called ______ because ______.
My friends page is called "friends page," because it's the default and I have no other clever name for it.
My default userpic is ______ because _______.
My default userpic is Donna with the caption "EarthGirl" by
sweet_lemmon . I stumbled across it somewhere and thought it just too cute. It's funny, though, since I haven't really seen enough of series four to be a big Donna fan. I'm working to remedy that right now, though, with the release on iTunes!