Oct 01, 2010 21:27

Okay, I usually don't do reaction posts, and this technically isn't one, but I just have to say this: the ending of the episode made me a VERY HAPPY FANGIRL, like everyone else. I'll admit that the premiere last week made me really nervous. However, it's all good now! Show is back in session, and all is right in the world! *wants gifs of final scene*

Also, Show is going to make me like Lisa yet. Danggit.

And Sam and Dean and the baby was completely adorable. ♥

(Most annoyingly, I managed to lock myself out of my dorm and missed the first ten minutes. Did anything interesting/important/fannishly exciting happen during that time, o great f-list?)

character: lisa braeden, i had a happy, character: dean winchester, episode reaction, fansquee, fandom: supernatural

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