NaNo Update 10/28: Let There Be Icon! And Plot Summary! :D

Oct 28, 2009 00:00

Eeee! Five days till NaNo (technically four, since the clock just struck midnight) and I've finally uploaded a NaNo userpic. *points* It's nothing fancy, but I did what I could, and I like it all right. It's honest at least, Team Janto will indeed be angsting for a good portion of the novel.

Oh, I haven't told you the plot yet? Allow me to elaborate!

The planned novel is a crossover between Torchwood and Margaret Atwood's novel The Handmaid's Tale, one of my favorite books. It won't include Atwood's characters, but be based on Ianto and Jack entering the dystopian world she lays out in the book. (For those of you who haven't read it, look it up on Amazon. It's not everyone's cup of tea, I'll admit, but I love it.)

Anyway, the idea bascially spawned when I was reading the book for the third time and came across the scene where Offred sees that the bodies of two men have been hung on the wall; they were executed for Gender Treachery (aka being gay), and she wonders where they were found together. I got to wondering how Jack (as a Guardian) could ever live in a world where he wouldn't be allowed to touch anyone, female or male. The bunny stuck, so now here it is. I can't wait to start!

(My tentative title is "Republic of Gilead," the name of the society in the book, though I'm hoping to eventually come up with something better. Suggestions are welcome if you have any!)

pairing: janto, nanowrimo, fandom: torchwood, character: ianto jones, icons, writing, crossover, character: jack harkness, the handmaid's tale, republic of gilead

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