Translation Party Meme

Aug 27, 2009 14:14

Ganked from gehayi .

Take the first lines of your last ten stories and run each of them through Translation Party until they reach equilibrium, or until the program gives up on you. Post the results.

1. From Everyone Needs Someone
Equilibrium: Jack left his earth I could not find a doctor near his long-term event is 456.
Original: When Jack left Earth after defeating the 456, it didn’t take him nearly as long to find the Doctor as he would have thought.

2. From First Meeting
Equilibrium: Rose Tyler hated 12. (It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium.)
Original: Rose Tyler hated being twelve.

3. From Ghost of Thames House
Equilibrium: phone if he reads the load type of tour, when I do not get a response, Habiba have not read read read read the works of new office chair, I loaded and after loading the River Thames, He said, "According to the first task is" difficult for women to read the newspaper can be read only to read the computer name of the date of the rope. (It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium.)
Original: On my first day of work as the new secretary at Thames House, a woman named Lois Habiba was assigned to me to give me a tour and “show me the ropes,” as if it were so hard and answer phones and type things into a computer.
(I think I just broke the translator. *g* Apparently Lois hasn't read the office chair enough.)

4. From Hope
Equilibrium: Jack learned that the weevils were killed.
Original: Jack found out when the weevil killed him.
(Makes sense, but doesn't mean the same thing.)

5. From My Favorite Things
Equilibrium: Ianto is in the past, we recommend that you keep a diary of Jack.
Original: Ianto once recommended that Jack keep a diary.
(The first part of the translation upsets me. Like random websites really need to rub it in!)

6. From Republic of Gilead
Equilibrium: That night, Ianto Jack's long distance, you can not stand his touch.
Original: By that night, Ianto can no longer stand being away from Jack, not touching him.
(That's actually the second sentence, since the first was too simple. And this translation really doesn't mean the same thing. :-( )

7. From Hold Me
Equilibrium: Later, Captain Jack and Ianto 111111111111 office or home banking, and retirement plans.
Original: After everyone else had gone home, Jack and Ianto retired to the bunker beneath the captain’s office.
(0.o least a few of the words are the same.)

8. From I Heard That
Equilibrium: "I also disagree with John," said Zoe.
Original: “I disagree with John as well,” Zoe stated.
(Hey, one that makes sense! ^_^)

9. From Stain
Equilibrium: He has not been given the red dirt has been washed clean.
Original: He scrubs and scrubs, but the red stain on the concrete hasn’t gone away.
( dirt. Mmm-kai...)

10. From New Year
Equilibrium: Tosh, Owen, Gwen, Ianto main part of the hub, the glass of the TV, the New Year countdown, champagne toast, please each other. Look. (It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium.)
Original: Tosh, Owen, Gwen, and Ianto stood in the main part of the Hub, watching the New Year’s countdown on telly and toasting each other with glasses of champagne.
(Hmm...pass me a glass of TV, please.)

Yayz, that was fun! :D Hopefully some of these fics will actually be posted soon.

lol, meme, fandom: torchwood, fandom: rps/rpf, fanfiction

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