They make me a very unhappy fangirl. So, the Powers That Be promised a simultaneous BBC and BBC America broadcast, right? Wrong. According to, Torchwood: Children of Earth will be aired in the US on July 20th-24th and in the UK sometime between July 4th and 10th. It's not fair! This means that for twenty days, I'm going to have to totally swear off and LJ to be sure I'm not spoiled. And it sucks, as I'm totally addicted to both sites and visit them basically every day. :-( Oh, well, though, I'll survive somehow. I'll just have to save up a bunch of fics beforehand to tide me over.
At least I got a new promo pic out of the deal, though. Along with the article was this pic, which I hadn't seen yet. I just love the Jantoness these all seem to have, even if they are pretty angsty too. <3