First of all, I just have to say that in my opinon this episode counts as one of the most frakked up ever. Now, on to specifics...
- First of all, the creators of the series definitely got down the feeling in this episode. It was very dark, devastating, and depressing. As one article on put it, "as heavy as Galactica itself."
- On a lighter not, Helo, Sharon, and Hera are the most adorable family ever. I loved the school with the three of them playing around. It was about the only light not in the whole hour, and it was great.
- The revelation about the 13th tribe being Cylons didn't really shock me - for some reason, I was expecting something like this to happen.
- Okay, here's how it goes: I've never liked Dee, and I especially didn't like Lee/Dee because I'm a fan of Lee/Kara. Anyway, I was starting to change my mind in tonight's episode. The little pep talk Dee gave Lee after the discovery of Earth was really sweet. Then there was the part after their "date." The kiss, and then the cute little smile she gives him before going into the officer's quarters.
- Then, two minutes later, blam, she shoots herself in the head. WTF!? I literally yelled at my TV, "What was that?" Frakked up stuff. *shakes head* One minute she's all happy because her and Lee are making up, and then she kills herself.
- My favorite moment: Shortly after Dee's suicide, when Lee and Adama are talking about why she did it. Adama says he doesn't know and then offers Lee some alcohol. Lee's simple answer was a resolute "No." I was almost cheering, "Way to go, Lee! Way to face your problems like a man without resorting to alocohol like some people have to."
- RE Adama's suicide attempt with Tigh: The poor man. He's a little loopy, but who can blame him? Anyone would be after being put through all the crap that's happened to him. *huggles the poor guy*
- The saddest moment: Definitely when Lee was changing the survivor count on Roslin's whiteboard and Kara comes in. When he was telling her about Dee, I was very near to tears, and that doesn't happen to me very often.
- And the final big thing: Who's the frakkin' Fifth Cylon? It seemed to be obvious after she found her body that it was Kara, but then there was the thing at the end where Tigh says it was Ellen. WTF? Personally, I wouldn't mind if it was Kara, though it seems like sort of a double-cross. Once everyone became all suspicious of her and it made it seem obvious that she was the Fifth, I was almost sure that she wouldn't be. Even so, though, I would prefer her to Ellen. To me, Ellen doesn't seem like quite an important enough character to have it end up being her. I'm so confused! :'(
- All in all an okay-ish episode, though. As always, I'm looking forward to next week with bated breath!
BTW, I love this icon. <3 The next person who asks why I'm majoring in English is getting pointed straight toward it. XD