Title: Call Me Ishmael
Fandom: Fantastic Four
Characters/Pairing: Franklin, OC
Prompt: Beginning
Word Count: 164
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Criticism appreciated.
Franklin didn’t know why they were friends.
It always seemed like some random thing, something that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
It was his first day of school. He could remember how excited he was, finally going to school like all the other kids. Maybe no one would notice his dad dropping him off, while in his uniform.
No such luck, of course. Kids quickly mobbed him, asking questions, some of them rude, others just plain stupid.
This went on until lunch, when the boy punched him in the face, and invited him over to his house. Franklin, who was still extremely confused as to what had just happened, accepted. He later introduced himself as Ishmael Irre, who was apparently the insane kid every school was supposed to have, which Franklin didn’t know yet.
Franklin sometimes wondered what would’ve happened if they hadn’t been friends. He quickly decided that maybe it was better if he didn’t think about it.