Ginger Snaps: 10 prompts

Mar 16, 2008 21:52

Title: Vulnerable
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Brigitte; Mentions Jeremy.
Prompt: 067. Snow// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: Takes place during GSII; Brigitte's thoughts as she passed out.
Disclaimer: I do not own Ginger Snaps or the characters.

It started with soft flakes falling from the sky. The stars were swiftly covered by the clouds as Brigitte laid on her back. She watched the snow fall, dimly aware of the cold snow covered ground pressing against her back. Too much monkshood, her mind whispered dreamily. The poison Brigitte had injected into her body was spreading through her body, making her blood run cold. She absently thought of Jeremy. Did he manage to get away from the beast? She doubted it but Brigitte was too far gone to spare much sympathy for Jeremy.

Not while she was so vulnerable.

Title: Inevitable
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Brigitte and Ginger
Prompt: 035. Sixth Sense// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: This reverses the sisters roles in Ginger Snaps.

Brigitte should have known. She should have known something was going to happen that night. All the signs were there. The stiff back, the tightening in her stomach, the sharp pain that afternoon. Even Pam had picked up on it during dinner.

But Brigitte had spent so long denying the inevitable that it no longer seemed possible. There was no denying nature though, the red stain on her panties proved that. It was Ginger who noticed it first though. She pointed out the thin line of red trickling down Brigitte’s leg.

Ginger’s lips twisted in disgust. B was average now.

Title: What am I going to do?
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Brigitte and Ginger
Prompt: 033. Too much// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: This reverses the sisters roles in Ginger Snaps.

“What am I going to do?” Brigitte was starting to panic now. The curse, she got the fucking curse. Her fingers were coat with red blood as she felt herself to confirm the truth.

“Gross”, was all Ginger had to offer.

“This is serious!” Tears welled up in the younger sister’s eyes.

Ginger was looking at her like she was a total freak. She didn’t know what to do. Ginger never had a period in her life and now Brigitte was looking to her for help.

“We go home and you get cleaned up. Stop freaking out B!” Ginger ordered.

Title: A sound from the woods
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Brigitte and Ginger
Prompt: 037. Sound// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: This reverses the sisters roles in Ginger Snaps.

It was easy for Ginger to be calm, B thought.

It wasn’t her body that suddenly betrayed her. Brigitte thought about saying so to Ginger but was distracted by a noise from the woods. A clear snap that carried through the autumn air. A tree branch breaking? Wet grey green eyes looked around the playground but saw no one. Thank god. For a moment Brigitte was afraid someone else was in the park. That was the last thing she needed, for someone to see her like this.

“Let’s go”.

Brigitte turned to follow her sister when it struck.

Title: The attack
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Brigitte and the werewolf.
Prompt: 036. Smell// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: This reverses the sisters roles in Ginger Snaps.

A sharp pain cut through Brigitte’s back as the beast sunk it’s teeth into her. The scent of her blood had drawn the wolf back to the park. Brigitte was dragged through the remains of the stray dog before it hauled her into the woods.

Brigitte fought against the monster, kicking and punching but it didn’t help. The creature had it’s claws in her now along with his teeth. Her flesh burned in pain as he began to feed. She tried to scream out but couldn’t. Her lungs, her brain, none of them worked.


I’m going to die.

Title: Panic
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Ginger
Prompt: 083. Lost// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: This reverses the sisters roles in Ginger Snaps.


This couldn’t be happening! Fuck, Ginger wasn’t even sure what had just happened but her mind was already screaming that it was impossible. Something had come out of the woods and dragged Brigitte off. Panic cut through Ginger.


Her eyes darted around the park for a clue to tell her where Brigitte was. The blood! There was a weak trail of blood leading into the woods. Did it belong to Brigitte? Ginger’s eyes fell on the mangled body of the dog. No, it belong to the dog but it would lead her to Brigitte.

Ginger started running.

Title: Running Blind
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Ginger
Prompt: 081. Blind// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: This reverses the sisters roles in Ginger Snaps.

Ginger was running blind in the woods without a clue where she was going, the branches scratching and snagging her hair as she called out for her sister. Fuck, she couldn’t see anything! Where was Brigitte?

A sudden flash of light caught her eye. It looked like a camera flash. She followed it instinctively and put those long legs to good use as she stalked through the forest.



Ginger felt her heart go up in her throat. Brigitte was alive. She burst through a thicket of trees and found Brigitte. She was hitting the beast with her camera.

Title: The chase.
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Brigitte, Ginger and the wolf.
Prompt: 096. Escape// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: This reverses the sisters roles in Ginger Snaps.

Brigitte had forgotten about the camera.

Her she was with a monster on top of her, clawing at the slender teenager while all this time Brigitte had a weapon gripped tightly in her hand. A few solid swings against it’s head had set the flash off and caused the monster to retract it’s claws. Enough for Brigitte to shimmy away just as Ginger came to the rescue. The redhead grabbed her younger sister’s arm and pulled/dragged her out of the forest.

The beast didn’t give up. Brigitte could hear it behind them, thrashing in the trees as it chased them.

Title: Blinded by the light
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Brigitte, Ginger and the wolf.
Prompt: 073. Light// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: This reverses the sisters roles in Ginger Snaps.

No escape, Brigitte thought, nearly hyperventilating as she tried to keep up with Ginger. Her legs were already giving away when the pair made it through the woods and reached the road. She crumbled on the pavement, the rough asphalt cutting into her already bleeding legs. No escape, she weakly thought again. Ginger was pulling on her roughly, trying to get B to move.

It was the light that did it. Blinding light coming from the headlights of a van. It sent a ingrained warning through Brigitte’s brain. A car’s coming, get up!. Brigitte scrambled to her feet.

Title: The Van
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Sam; mentions Brigitte, Ginger, and the wolf.
Prompt: 071. Broken// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: This reverses the sisters roles in Ginger Snaps.

Sam hadn’t been paying attention to the road. His mind was still back home on the latest fight he and his father had when Sam saw the girls. He didn’t realize they were girls, nor did he recognize them from the high school. All that went through Sam’s mind at that moment was HOLY FUCK!

He swerved violently to the left and avoid the girls but a jolt went through his van as Sam collided with the wolf. Slamming on the brakes, Sam stared at the blood stained windshield. “Oh fuck me”, he mumbled, disoriented.

Christ, had he killed someone?

ginger snaps: general series

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