Ginger Snaps : 11 Prompts

Mar 12, 2008 10:29

Title: Blood
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Ginger and stranger
Prompt: 060. Drink // Table
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Takes place in an AU setting and is not part of the cannon storyline. Just a snippet of a night out for Ginger. Mentions killing and sex.
Disclaimer: I do not own Ginger Snaps or the characters.

Blood ran down her chin and dripped onto her chest. It wasn’t a bright red like Ginger had expected but dark, almost black in the dim light of the alleyway. She licked it up slowly; the colour didn’t matter to the wolf inside of her. All that matter was the warmth going down her throat and spreading throughout her body. All that matter was soothing the ache in her body. The body was left in alley like trash; whoever he was, he wasn’t important now. Ginger had satisfied her hungers, first taking him inside of her before taking his blood.

Title: Kinship
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Sam; Mentions Brigitte
Prompt: 021. Friends // Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Sam's thoughts on his feelings for Brigitte.

Sam wished he could say something to her, to make her understand just how he felt but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, he just insisted that he didn’t feel that way about her. He felt something for Brigitte but it wasn’t lust.
It was kinship. They were two of a kind. Different on the outside but beneath the skin Sam could sense that he and Brigitte were connected. Crazy? Yes but impossible? Sam didn’t know.
If werewolves could exist then maybe anything was possible.
Sam knew he couldn’t tell us this. He knew Brigitte couldn’t, wouldn’t want to hear it.

Title: A mother's thoughts.
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Pam; Mentions Brigitte and Ginger.
Prompt: 027. Parents // Table
Word Count: 102
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: A moment when Pam thinks about her daughters.

You don’t choose your parents, Pam thinks. And you can’t chose your kids. But if Pam had the choice, would she have chosen to have different children? Looking at the disrespectful attitude Ginger was giving lately, Pam could almost be tempted to say yes but then she thought of Brigitte. Her little Brigitte who had been born so weak that Pam had given her a name meaning strength in hopes it would help her survive. Outside the window she can see her girls, Ginger playfully pushing Brigitte around, the pair laughing as they walked.

No, she couldn’t have one without the other.

Title: Field Hockey
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Brigitte. Mentions Ginger
Prompt: 026. Teammates // Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Brigitte momentarily feels jealous of Ginger.

Field hockey.

The bane of Brigitte’s life.

It was an hour of running around dodging older girls who wanted to beat her up while listening to those neanderthal's hoot and holler at the pretty girls. Pretty girls like her sister Ginger. Brigitte felt a pang of jealously as she watched Ginger run. She’d never be like that, with wild red hair and an angel’s face, although Pam often commented that Ginger was anything but an angel. Brigitte grinned and pushed her jealously aside.

So what if she never looked like Ginger? At least she always had Ginger by her side.

Title: Nightmares
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Brigitte.
Prompt: 001. Beginnings // Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Brigitte suffers from recurring nightmares.

The youngest Fitzgerald had suffered from nightmares for years. Terrifying, horrible nightmares of be bound, of strange men in black surrounded by fire, of creatures coming out of the forest. Her parents assured they were all just dreams, no doubt brought on my watching scary movies or listening to ghost stories told by Ginger. Nothing to worry about, they said.

Brigitte wasn’t so sure. The dreams seemed so real, like something that had happened before but her young mind couldn’t quite remember. Relief only came when she slept in Ginger’s arms.

Only there did she feel safe from the monsters.

Title: Means to an end?
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Tyler; Mentions Brigitte.
Prompt: 001. Middles // Table
Word Count: 102
Rating: PG 13.
Author's Notes: Tyler's thoughts one night after being with Brigitte.

Tyler’s hand rested on her stomach but Brigitte was blissfully unaware as she slept. Part of him wondered if she even liked him or was their arrangement just a means to an end. He didn’t know why he even cared, why the brunette was any different from the other girls he fucked but she was. Brigitte was different, pure and simple. An animal in bed, sarcastic and moody as hell but smart too….smarter than most of the girls here. He took his hand off of her and sat in the middle of the bed, lost in his thoughts.

Why did he care?

Title: Force of Nature
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Ginger and the janitor
Prompt: 030. Death // Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13.
Author's Notes: Spoilers for Ginger Snaps.

The janitor’s body hit the floor but he wasn’t dead yet. Ginger could hear the raspy breathing, the sound of his blood sliding down his throat and filling his lungs. He was drowning in his own fluids just as Ginger was drowning in her own senses. Everything felt so good. The sweet, sticky blood that coated her lips and chin was divine and Ginger knew there was more of that precious liquid inside the janitor for the taking. This was better than beer, weed, or sex. This was power.

“I can do anything”, she whispered. “I’m a force of nature”.

Title: A blue christmas
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Brigitte; mentions Pam
Prompt: 092. Christmas // Table
Word Count: 102
Rating: PG 13.
Author's Notes: Takes place after Ginger Snaps, before GSII.

Christmas was never Brigitte’s favorite holiday.

It was Halloween that she used to love. That was, of course, until Ginger died. Now that holiday was just a grim reminder of when Brigitte slid a knife between her sister’s ribs. The slender teen shivered at the memory and wrapped her hands around a cup of coffee. It was Christmas eve and Brigitte sat alone in a downtown Winnipeg diner.

Christmas had always been Pam’s favorite holiday, Brigitte thought. She wondered what her mother was doing right now. Did she have her prison cell decorated for the holiday?

Was she thinking about Brigitte too?

Title: Disappointment
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Ginger and Jason
Prompt: 090. It// Table
Word Count: 102
Rating: R.
Author's Notes: Describs sexual situation.

The red head moved her hips against his roughly, insistent.

Jason had protested earlier but she smiled to see the look in his face now. He had begged Ginger to stop minutes ago and now, judging by the look of rapture on his face, he was more likely to beg Ginger to keep going. She would do so regardless. Warmth was building up between her legs and spilling out into her body, causing her cheeks to flush and her mind to shut down.

He twitched beneath Ginger, letting go completely and causing Ginger to growl in disappointment. She had been so close!

Title: Worries
Fandom: Ginger Snaps (AU)
Characters: Trina; mentions Sam
Prompt: 057. Lunch// Table
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13
Author's Notes: Trina's thoughts and inner worries about her "relationship" with Sam

For Trina lunch hour meant sneaking in a quick smoke, laughing with the girls, snarking on the losers, and keeping an eye out for Sam. He usually showed up a little after twelve to sell Jason and his friends weed. Trina absentmindedly fluffed up her curly blond hair. Sam hadn’t returned any of her phone calls and had barely said two words to her since Todd’s party.

She chewed on her lower lip. Had she done something wrong? Was I too hairy? Did I make a weird face? Does he think I’m a slut?

Damn it, why didn’t he call?

ginger snaps: general series

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