038. Movie Night

Mar 20, 2008 21:16

Characters: Me, my significant other
Subject: real life
Wordcount: 100
Warnings: opinionated people who talk during movies

"I'm over him." He declared. "He really fell of the wagon with this one."

"Well, The Life Aquatic sucked too." She reminded him.

"I don't know... it was okay."

"Nahh... It sucked."

They continued watching, becoming less interested in the movie with every new scene.

"I don't believe that these three brothers could actually exist. Maybe one of them..."

"He shouldn't try to have three main characters, anyway."

"Guys don't talk like this."

"He fell off. I told you."

"I still like The Royal Tenenbaums."

"It was okay. His stuff is just too... CUTE."

"Want to turn it off?"


A/N: For added amusement, check out this entry from Stuff White People Like: Wes Anderson Movies.

strange_tomato, 3rd table

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