Title: The Rikkai Regulars Go Marching (One by One)
vacivityWord count: 141
Summary: Yukimura has weird punishments.
"Why is Yukimura making us learn to march?" Marui asks, as he stares at his feet, then at Niou's back. "This is not going to help tennis."
"Yanagi said something about marching the other day and Yukimura decided it might be good for us to learn," Yagyuu responds, as he sharply rounds a corner. At the end of the line, he can hear Kirihara muttering "left, right, left right," as if he was afraid he was going to forget.
"I think it's just punishment," Marui grumbles.
"But Sanada-fukubuchou and Yanagi-sempai are doing it too," Kirihara says; there is a pause, then a faint "damn."
Marui stops abruptly, and turns around, about to say something. The three behind him - Sanada, Yanagi, and Kirihara - stumble and topple over Marui, until the formation is broken and all four are on the ground.