fanfiction recommendations

Jul 04, 2006 03:20

So I feel bad `cause I was supposed to post this yesterday but I was packing and to busy to get online anyways I decided I was going to post a list of my favorite fics , this post is multi-fandom because I have so many favorites!! I have little kinks when it comes to certain pairings, I'm a hurt/comfort whore when It comes to JC/Justin and I love post hiatus stories, but when I read Harry/Draco I want snarky!Draco and clueless!Harry and I don't mind having a bit of parslemouth kink thrown in there as well. When it comes to Clark/Lex, I love smart!Lex he makes me hot, but put a bottom!Lex in the same story as a hungsuperman!Clark and I'm yours. I also have a soft spot for AU Clex which I can't explain because I generally don't like them with any other pairing :) When it comes to Xander/Spike (which there isn't enough written of lately) I love long Spander stories, with this paring I always like to get into it first ;) I like top!Xander..... but then I like top!Spike as well... I think basically as long as those to beautiful men are having sex I'm happy :)

Mind the babble, I don't do great with reviews :)

Harry Potter Universe

Draco Malfoy and the Heart of Slytherin by Sabershadowkat  Harry/Draco

Instead of allowing Draco to stay with family or friends when his father is arrested, Dumbledore places him with Harry Potter. What was Dumbledore thinking?

This story is one of the first stories I ever and I love it for the single fact that Harry is Draco's patronous, I mean, how cute is that?

Corruptela Vox by Constant Vigilance    Harry/Draco

Harry’s eyes widened and his face took on a hunted look. He stared at Malfoy, who just grinned back, happily enjoying the fact that he wasn’t going down alone in this wretched debacle. Harry slowly shook his head. Draco nodded. Harry winced. Draco smirked.
“Oh, God,” Harry groaned, planting his own head into his hands.
“Our Harry here has one of the most interesting methods of wanking that I’ve personally ever seen,” Draco injected his voice with saccharine sweetness. “Some boys call their cock a ‘snake’. Harry, I think, actually believes it.”

Remember that Parslemouth kink I was telling you about, this is the story that gave it to me.

The Goodness of Their Hearts by Taratext   Harry/Draco

Malfoy Security Inc. is hired when Chudley Cannons' star Seeker Harry Potter starts receiving disturbing letters.

I love that Draco fights so hard with himself to be with Harry in this one, but of course Harry's charms win out in the end.

Painters' Primer by Shatterglass Harry/Draco

Harry falls off horses, Draco gets covered in paint, the author takes herself entirely too seriously. We all love a good artist!Draco fic, n'est pas?

' "Well, you didn't always know you were famous, right? What did you do before that? Who were you?"

Harry looked skeptical. "Well, I told you I lived in a cupboard, right?"

"Yup, got that."

"So, I mean, I was more like a can of soup than a person. It wasn't exactly a whole lot of fun."

Draco made sympathizing sounds in his throat, studying Harry critically. "Well," he said at last, "You are rather cylindrical."  '

I do so love artist Draco, he's one of my favorites :)

The Lodger by Mad Martha  Harry/Draco

Years after Voldemort's death and the end of the war, a lonely and alienated Harry Potter decides to take in a lodger. The result isn't quite what he anticipated. He has more in common with his new housemate than he expected, and together they learn to look life ? and the wizarding world - in the face again.

This story is close to my heart, it features a depressedsemi-in-lovewithRon!Harry and protective!Draco. I read this a very long time ago and then read it again recently and loved it just as much now as I did then.

Beautiful World by Cinnamon Harry/Draco

Draco is afraid of living and Harry is afraid of dying, but sometimes the choice isn't offered. Draco's got to learn what it is to really live, while showing Harry how beautiful the world really is when you're not too scared to see it.

This story is beautiful, bittersweet and heartbreaking it's one of those stories in which no matter how many times you read it, you wish and pray for the happy ending. And even though it never comes, you have to read it again anyway.

Welcome to the Real World by IamtheLizardQueen  Harry/Draco

A Harry/Draco romance, set post-Hogwart's in muggle London. Includes red mittens, linoleum, witty retorts, angst, love, dance clubs, strange friends, cooking shows, and coffee (not necessarily in that order)!

This was the first slash fic I read, EVER. It was so sweet and loving and Draco has red mittens!! If you have not read this fic, than please run and do so now... *waiting* I'm serious, go!! run!! :)

Triad by Constant Vigilance Harry/Draco/Ron

In this one Hermione breaks Ron's heart and Draco and Harry put it back together, I don't particularly like Ron with either guy, but Constant Vigilance makes it believable. Ron is hesitant and Harry and Draco are in love, Hermione is sleeping with Ginny and at some point there's sex :)

Underwater Light by Maya  Harry/Draco

Featuring an extremely depressed Harry, in a war-torn wizarding world, about to get the shock of his life when he discovers that Draco Malfoy is slightly more important to him than he would have ever guessed. Including a very odd friendship, lots of angst, suspicions, conflicted loyalties, clueless Ron, on-the-warpath Hermione and two very messed-up boys.

Their would have to be Maya on this list or it wouldn't be any kind of list, this lady turns me into a complete fangirl, I've read this story about ten times, I first found it back in 2003 when she was around chapter 15, and this was one of those stories that made me check daily just to see if she had updated. I absolutely adore her portrayal of Harry and I love her Draco even more. The combination of teenaged angst and comedy made this one a quick favorite and has stayed at the top of my list since reading it. I have never reviewed this story, or put a comment up on Maya's page because as said before she turns me into an utter gibbering fangirl and I don't think my comments would be coherant enough to understand, but anytime someone new comes into the fandom I point them to this story, which is the classic Draco/Harry.


The Age of Love  by foxmonkey  Justin/JC  Lance/Chris

So I can't say enough about Foxmonkey's ability to turn me to mush, the kitchen sceenne in which Justin is cutting JC's hair is one of my favorites. Ever.

Old Married Couple by Beth   Justin/JC

“Hey, JC?” you asked, not bothering to look away from what you were reading, “remember that one stuff you made me eat that one time?”

“You mean at that place? After that one thing with all those weird bells?”

“Yeah.” Damn annoying bells. “Yeah, where was that?”

“Ummm. That hotel. With the yellow walls.”

“Oh yeah.”

I can so see them having a conversation like that.

Kicks by nopseud   Justin/JC

"Mm? Hello?"

"Hey, baby."

"Who--Justin?" JC sat up, the sheet slipping down around his waist. "Why the heck are you calling me?"

"Because I'm in bed, and I'm all clean and warm but not so much with the sleeping. So, you know. You wanna come sleep in here?" Justin paused, and JC opened his mouth but couldn't manage to untangle any appropriate words from his startled brain. "If you don't wanna--"

"I'm on my way." JC struggled out of bed, looked at his clothes, then left them where they were. "I'm walking across my room right now...I'm opening the door...I'm walking down the hallway...I'm suddenly remembering I'm butt-naked and I never checked that your mom or someone else didn't arrive without me knowing--"

Justin.with a sneaker fetish. I mean come on, how could you not love that?

Game Night by Dacey   Justin/JC  Various

I loooove this fic, no matter how many times I read it, it's still hot!!!. JC giving Lance a lapdance a lapdance, Joey giving Chris a handjob, JC giving Justin  a blow job, and then she manages to go and make it sweet.

JC leans close, until his chest is flat against Justin’s, their hearts beating against one another, and he hooks an arm around Justin’s neck.
Justin tries to look at him, but he can’t quite focus, and doesn’t know why until JC’s lips brush softly against the corner of his eye, and Justin feels wetness there.

“Don’t cry,” JC whispers, too soft for anyone else to hear. “I already knew.”

Untitled Love Story by Rhys   Justin/JC

This fic has so many good :::squeee:: worthy parts but it still wins my award for best first sentence 'Justin had a secret love for dance music that he tried not to acknowledge.' I just love that.

and this '“I don’t want a girl,” Justin said quickly then realised what he said, and added, “um, like, to have sex with. I mean. I don’t need a girl.” Justin winced. That wasn’t any better. “I don’t need to have sex with a girl, or anything. It’s just. It’s nothing. I’m kinda. Sorry,” he muttered, dropping his pelvis into the water and treading in place again. “It’s nothing.”

and this 'Justin worked himself into a mild homosexual panic the next day. Once was explainable; twice was just suspicious. It was JC, of course, which maybe explained something, but Justin couldn’t deal. So he lounged around in his boxers, watching straight porn and jerking off until his dick was limp and protesting.'

and of course this ' “Justin?” JC said, standing in the doorway a few minutes later, just when Justin was on the edge of orgasm. Behind JC, the sun was bright, and Justin was nearly blinded by it, JC’s body a dark spot in the brilliant light. Justin stopped mid-stroke and looked at him, caught completely red-handed. “Oh, you’re. I’m sorry. I. Um.” '

If I keep adding stuff I'll kill the whole story, so if you haven't read it, (you haven't read it?) go read it and if you've read it, go read it again  :)

Chasez Lake by Foxmonkey   Justin/JC   Lance/Chris

Justin buys JC a christmas present and what a present it is, Foxmonkey once again manages to turn me to goo with this story, it also includes my two favorite things all in one pretty package, JuC and Trickyfish.

I totally love this whole conversation:
"JC is a beautiful man," she said softly. "Justin's a good-looking boy, too, but there's something kind of..." she paused and looked down at the ornaments. "There's something kind of ethereal about JC, isn't there?"

"Yeah, JC's gorgeous," Lance admitted, "but he's taken." He let her think about that for a moment, then asked, "Just curious, and I'm not with him, but...why didn't you say Justin?"

She gave him what he always thought of as a mother's smile. "Justin's still figuring things out, isn't he?" she said. "But I suppose he'll wake up one of these days." They'd theorized on Justin's cluelessness several times. "He's not your type, though, sweetie. I think you're too," she paused. "You're too solid for him, you know? He seems like he'd need something a little more--" She stopped, and looked up at Lance. There was a devilish gleam in her eye that Lance loved, and he knew the gossipfest was about to begin. "Lance Bass, what haven't you told your mother?"

"I'll give you one guess," he said, a grin curling his lips. He handed her a twist of tinsel, and she barely glanced at it.

"Oh, my," his mother said slowly. "This wasn't about you at all, was it?" Lance gave her a sly look. She hung an ornament and he could practically see her mind working. "Justin bought JC a house?" At Lance's nod, she squealed. "Justin bought JC a house?" She chuckled and tsk-tsked with her tongue. "Oh, my, my, my."

Watch the Wind Blow by Kati    Justin/JC

An epic story of first love and cornfields in Illinois.

I think everyone has a story or a book that's like a comfort blanket, something you can curl up with and forget about the world, this is that story for me. I've read it about ten times and I never tire of the charecters or the plot. JC and Justin in this story is what I think they would be if there had been no 'nsync', just two guys who get to know each other and fall in love.

Smallville Slash

And Desire Shall Fail by HRD Clark/Lex

The power over life and death should never rest with an emotionally stunted alien -- especially an alien that fancies himself Overlord.

I can say nothing bad about this fic, although it's a bit more slave/master than I usually like in my clex but it's tactful and sweet and Lex changes the evil overlord into superman in the end :)

Holding Out for a Hero by Kat Reitz Tzigane Clark/Lex

This fic makes me love Clark Kent, Kat's potryal of him is so sweet and sincere and just the perfect man for Lex.

Sequelae by lastscorpion Clark/Lex

First there's a Rift. Then there's an exploded lab. Then people go on vacation.

This one  is short and sweet with a holiday in Alaska and a trip to th mountain in which Clark assures Lex neither of them will become their fathers.

Possession by GothGirl Lex/Bruce, Lex/Clark, Lex/Bruce/Clark

I love this fic, it's dark, and it's hurt/comfort and Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent Sex!!!!

Close Encounters with a Sasquatch by garryowen Clark/Lex

Lex is a scientist of the paranormal, and he visits the Yukon to track a mysterious creature.

Lex finds Clark in the woods somewhere in Canada and thinks he's some type of mutant alien type thing, and then proceeds to have sex with him :)

Card One: The Fool
by Mistress Ace   Clark/Lex

This story... I just.. Clark using x-ray vision to find Lex's prostate. It's hot,hot,hot,hot,hot,hot. That's it thats all I can say, it's scorching.


Repossession by lazuli_kat  Spike/Xander

This one is very, very long folks. It got me hooked around the first chapter and hasn't let me go since. Hurt/Comfort at it's best, with numerous ups and downs there's never a lull in the action. It has major angst and I'd reccomend you not start this fic unless you have some time on your hands, it's addicting

The 'We're Not Gay. We're Just Friends. Who Have Sex.' Series by Juliatheyounger Spike/Xander

Juliatheyounger manages to make this series hot, hilarious, and sweet all at the same time. It's fun and sexy and they stay together at the end which is what I like.

The Pierced!Verse by Willa  Spike/Xander

This story is no longer online and it's unfinished but if anyone want's a copy of the file I'll send it too you. This is the kinky AU in which Spike is a tattoo artist and Xander is a carpenter, if you don't like the thought of piercings or tattoos, or sex with people who have piercings or tatoos this is not the story for you because there are both in abundance.

Anatomy of a Seduction by Mistress Ace & JainieG  Riley/Spike

I stubled upon this fic during a google search and I don't know what possesed me to read it, but I'm glad I did. It's sweet and dirty and it's grown to become one of my favorite fics in the Buffyverse.

Hard Time Spike/Angel

So I don't even know who wrote this fic because I found it on a cd where I had saved a whole bunch of fic like three years ago, it's an AU in which Spike and Angel are in jail, and basically Spike is Angel's bitch :) It's big with the hot virgin!sex and I love Angel in this one. If someone knows who wrote this story I would be very happy for you to give me the authors website, but for if you want it ask I'll send it to you.

Days of Our Unlives by Donna and Jessica     Spike/Angel

This is just about the funniest thing I've ever read, Spike is HILARIOUS and Angel is broody, but happy and they have these cracked out adventures that always end in gratuitous sex, it's wonderul and I had much fun reading it.

And Now For Something Completely Different  by Saber ShadowKitten

Xander Harris: At the end of Season 3, our hero was going to follow
in the footsteps of Kerouac.
He ventures forth at the beginning of the summer and makes it all the way to...
Oxnard, California.
Spike: In the middle of Season 3, our anti-hero was on his way back to Brazil
to torture Drusilla into loving him again.

An accident, a chance meeting, and a dark sense of humor
lead to a very interesting companionship
between the mortal and the vampire.

And nothing that happens in their lives could ever be considered "normal."

This is the story of Xander's stay in Oxnard and why he won't talk about The Fabulous Ladies Night Club :)

Extras -Check out these other awesome fics that my flist sent in.

lanceshaped- rake at the gates of hell and it's sequel through the glass,darkly.

these are both lance/jc kinda...i love them both dearly and i've read them millions of times i could probably like type it out without looking at it....they are very very good.

1107red- I love Matthew's Living - of course for the fiery and whacked JuC relationship. I read it all the time.

All my faves are JuC. And I don't just have one...I just can't. I love kaelie's Polarity, which is sadly not online anymore, this was the first story I really read that I went YES! That's it, they really work so well together! But, I pretty much love everything she writes.

I love Beth's stuff  too 
sleepyforme  she writes really emotional stuff. Always gets me.

Cadence's Violator , took my breath away. I actually cried the first time I read it. Her A New York Story is great too.

simply_jess 's Cab driver Justin/pop star JC What's Fare is Fair  is one of my favorite comfort fics of all time. But I love a lot of her stuff.

chastin_ --I don't think any story has so completely captured me as Kharessa Bloodrose's Arrangement of Thorns.(Tolkien fandom, Erestor/Elladan/Elrohir, Erestor/Melpomaen; warnings for twincest and BDSM). It's not entirely canonical, but Kharessa is such a gifted writer that I just don't care.

I just read Descent  for the first time (and really need to get around to feedbacking it), and it's as guh as everyone said. And Bitterchick's 'Coming Out Fic' had a huge influence on me when I was young and innocent in the fandom.

It's hard to pick favourites in popslash, though. There are a lot of short stories I love, but not many long ones. I'm picky about AUs and, of course, if a fic kills me, it's going to be JuC for sure.

christhiane- I have a tie, actually. They're both JuC, and I wouldn't be surprised if you've read both.

The Way You Know Him by Beth and Kaelie / You Bring Me Joy by Zaen.

On one hand, you've got TWYKH. It's long, wonderfully written, and just yes. I've read it 6 times thus far, and it won't be the last. What I love about it is the realistic characters , the complicated interaction between the well written characters, the fact that it has to do with a publishing house, it's sweet without being too sappy, it has a lot of suspence and there's tension almost all of the way.

On the other hand you've got YBMJ. It's also well written. I love the fact that it's written in the present because it gives it a sweet and optimistic air. Both Justin and JC are such sweet (as oposed to JC in TWYKH for the most part) and realistic characters. It's just sweet and so girly and yes. Suspece here, too. They're friends, and Justin wants them to be more, but he's afraid to think more and yes.

I do like stories where there is a lot of uncertainly about what the other peson is feeling, and usually with a happy ending... *shrugs and shuts up*

Thanks for everyone who sent me their fics and thank you to the authors, for providing us with such great fiction and entertainment. :) 


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