Theme 12: Song Lyrics

Apr 12, 2011 23:38

Today's theme:
Song Lyrics 1. Submit your drabble that fits this theme as a comment to this post. It should be between 100-300 words, if you go over/under a bit that's fine! If it's longer than say 400 words, I ask that you post on your journal or and then submit the link to this post. If you find that your story is going to be very ( Read more... )

theme 12: song lyrics

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rattyjol May 9 2011, 02:17:25 UTC
Fandom: Animorphs
Claim: Fandom
Rating: PG
Drabbles completed so far: 12/100
(Oh God. I thought I was over Rachelangst!Tobias. Obviously not.)

And even though the moment passed me by
I still can't turn away
'Cause all the dreams you never thought you'd lose
Got tossed along the way
And letters that you never meant to send
Get lost or thrown away

Tobias is stuck. Trapped in one moment in time, hovering, waiting. It passed years ago but he's trapped in it, watching helplessly from the Pool Ship as Rachel dies somewhere else.

Hawks don't dream, but Tobias does. He dreams of Rachel. He dreams of what has been, what would have been, what could have been. He doesn't need to dream about that single moment, though, because he's still living in it. It stretches out before him, painful and horrible, and he's always waiting - waiting for her to come back and be safe again, even though he saw her die, even though he saw her body burn, even though he carried her ashes out and dropped them in the sea.

He used to write love letters to her in his head, late at night when his hawk brain wanted to sleep but his rebellious teenage side refused to let it. He never meant to give them to her, of course. He never even wrote them down. They were cheesy and stupid and cliché, but everything about their relationship was so abnormal that he just needed to do something normal.

And now we're grown up orphans
That never knew their names
We don't belong to no one
That's a shame

Technically, he's not an orphan anymore. He has a mother now, and he's never needed parents to look after him anyway. But he feels like an orphan: helpless, and alone, and so so small.

He thinks about all the people he's killed, how he never knew their names and they never knew his. It was easier that way. They're not people, they're just slimy slugs wrapped around the brains of people. (He tries not to think about how no matter how many people he kills, Rachel will always have killed more.)

And scars are souvenirs you never lose
The past is never far
Did you lose yourself somewhere out there
Did you get to be a star
And don't it make you sad to know that life
Is more than who we are

His body doesn't have any scars, of course. Morphing has seen to that. But he wishes he does, wishes he could have something to remind him every second of the physical pain so he can run away from the emotional.

Every night he sees Rachel in the stars, twinkling high above him and so, so far out of reach of even his wings. Pretty and unknown, until you get too close - and then she's bright and beautiful and fiery and she burns.

I think about you all the time
But I don't need the same
It's lonely where you are come back down,
And I won't tell em your name


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