Theme 02: If Only

Apr 01, 2011 21:03

Today's theme:
If Only1. Submit your drabble that fits this theme as a comment to this post. It should be between 100-300 words, if you go over/under a bit that's fine! If it's longer than say 400 words, I ask that you post on your journal or and then submit the link to this post. If you find that your story is going to be very long ( Read more... )

theme 02: if only

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Comments 40

von_gelmini April 2 2011, 01:47:44 UTC
Fandom: Doctor Who
Claim: Theta/Koschei
Rating: (PG)
Drabbles completed so far: 1/100

If only I hadn’t left him. If only I could’ve helped the noise inside his head. If only I’d loved him more than I hated life on Gallifrey. If only love had been enough. Then this pain wouldn’t be killing me. This ache in the emptiness where my second heart should be. But my second heart, my Koschei, my Master… it’s been left behind on Gallifrey and I’m never going back. If only I could’ve lived up to my promise.


Apparently it has an sell-by date of 336 years.


cowards_kiss April 2 2011, 02:28:58 UTC
Fandom: Dragon Age
Claim: Anders
Rating: PG
Drabbles completed so far: 2/100

He wonders sometimes what would have happened if he had met her before Justice, before he was so inextricably bound to the spirit's vendetta. Would he still have agreed to the merge? Still have devoted himself to the fight for mage freedom? Or would he have dedicated his life to something else entirely? “All I want is a pretty girl, a hot meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools,” he had told the Warden-Commander once, what seemed like a lifetime ago. Could he have found that with Hawke? Not amongst the Wardens, not surrounded by the Templars his Commander would never have allowed to set foot inside the Keep. But maybe somewhere else, by the sea or up in the mountains, somewhere far away from the Circle and the Chantry and all their Maker-cursed laws. Just the two of them building a life together, surrounded by tiny children with her eyes and his magic and no one to call them monsters for it. Could they have been happy, in that other life ( ... )


drowning in open sky failegaidin April 2 2011, 03:43:46 UTC
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Claim: John/Elizabeth
Rating: PG-13
Drabbles completed so far: 2/100

Elizabeth Weir maintained that, if he had just kept his damn lips to himself, none of this would have happened. They would have continued on with their flirtatious banter, and life would have gone on as usual.

But John Sheppard was always one to get into trouble.

Now his tongue was in her mouth and her hands were in his hair, and Elizabeth hadn’t realized how much drowning felt like flying. Her lungs screamed for air and her body ached for him -

Maybe I can just get him out of my system, she thought.

Of course, he chose that moment to pull back, chest heaving as he sucked in air and wildly searched her eyes. What she saw there made her tremble, and she dragged his mouth back to hers so that he wouldn’t see her shake.

Too late, her heart whispered.


Re: drowning in open sky regularamanda April 2 2011, 04:01:15 UTC
♥!!!! :D I demand a before-the-kiss fic for this!!!


Re: drowning in open sky failegaidin April 2 2011, 19:49:04 UTC
LOLOL. I'm not sure how they ended up kissing :P Perhaps one of the prompts will spur me to write it, though.


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regularamanda April 2 2011, 04:45:33 UTC
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Claim: Kira/Odod
Rating: G
Drabbles completed so far: 02/100 ( ... )


ladygj April 15 2011, 19:11:05 UTC
GUH. I finally came around to reading this. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

The whole time, I saw his face at the end of Heart of Stone in my head. *squishes Odo*


regularamanda April 30 2011, 03:25:20 UTC
:D Thank yooouu!!! So glad you liked this one!!!

Ugghhhh I know. ♥ That line from the episode is soooo powerful and heartbreaking at the same time.


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regularamanda April 2 2011, 13:23:27 UTC
Wheeeee more Star Trek fic!! :D Loved this! Fits them perfectly! (Man I really need to do a Voyager rewatch!)


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regularamanda April 3 2011, 04:48:36 UTC
You're welcome! :D And I totally know what you mean, I've been into Voyager the last few years, but I just started to watch Deep Space Nine and I've fallen head over heels. Once I've finished watching DS9, I will soooo be doing a rewatch of Voyager. ♥


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