Theme 84: home is behind

Sep 11, 2011 22:14

Today's theme:

Home is behind1. Submit your drabble that fits this theme as a comment to this post. It should be between 100-300 words, if you go over/under a bit that's fine! If it's longer than say 400 words, I ask that you post on your journal or and then submit the link to this post. If you find that your story is going to be ( Read more... )

theme 84: home is behind

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rattyjol September 13 2011, 05:21:48 UTC
Fandom: Animorphs
Claim: Elfangor & family
Rating: PG
Drabbles completed so far: 29/100

I remember my first time off-world as if it were only moments ago, instead of years.

Though all non-essential crew was to remain in quarters until we were past lower orbit, I shifted restlessly in the narrow space allotted to me, peering desperately out the tiny window as if by sheer will I could rotate the ship to allow me a view of the homeworld, instead of the inky blackness of space.

Noises drifted in from the hall, and I knew we were allowed to roam. Rushing through the halls as fast as I dared -- running down a senior officer at this early stage would be a very bad idea, after all -- I made my way to the Dome, jostling through the crowds of Andalites returning to their stations for the jump into Z-space.

My destination in sight, I trotted even faster, all four eyes focused eagerly on the closed door that, once opened, would give me my first live view of the homeworld from orbit. I was so fixated on my target that only my instinctual reflexes saved me from having the tip of an ear shorn off by the tail blade that suddenly blocked my way.

< And where do you think you're going, little brother? > Elfangor sounded faintly amused, but panic flared in my belly -- was there a job I was meant to be doing? Had I already messed up?

< I'm sorry, El-- my Prince. > I barely caught myself in time. < I only wanted to see the view. >

He laughed, deep and quiet. His laugh is unique among Andalites -- I've never heard one like it, and he finds the strangest things amusing. And yet, it suits him.

< Come, Aximili-kala, > he said, still chuckling, and I startled at hearing the pet name our father had given to me. < Let us say good-bye to our home. > The door to the Dome opened and he gestured for me to go first.

I trotted out into the Dome, my shoulders hunching at the sheer vastness of it. I'd been in the Dome itself several times before, of course, but it was quite different with space pressing down from all sides, and the homeworld hanging above our heads like some vast moon. I suddenly felt very small.

< We won't come here again for a long time, Aximili-kala, > Elfangor said, a wistful sort of look in his eyes, though he was turned towards the stars that stretched out into the distance. < But I hope, where we are going, you'll find a home just as sincere as this. >

He left the Dome, leaving me alone in the shadow of our planet. I stood there for a long time, until the engines rumbled beneath my hooves and the homeworld was swallowed by the whiteness of Z-space.

Returning to my quarters, I pondered what my brother had said. At the time, I believed him to be referring to the ship -- it was, after all, meant to be our home away from home.

But now, my friend, knowing what we know, and being what we are, I do think he meant something else entirely.

Welcome home, Tobias.


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