Today's theme:
Everything burns1. Submit your drabble that fits this theme as a comment to this post. It should be between 100-300 words, if you go over/under a bit that's fine! If it's longer than say 400 words, I ask that you post on your journal or and then submit the link to this post. If you find that your story is going to be
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Claim: John/Elizabeth
Rating: PG
Drabbles completed so far: 22/100
In her dreams, everything burned.
Atlantis. Earth. The Replicators. The prison that held her. The Wraith. It all burned with a ferocity that frightened her, and she wondered where the fuel came from.
Then again, she thought she might know.
She tried not to be angry. She knew that Atlantis had troubles of its own and they probably all thought she was dead. They had enough on their plates and she couldn’t expect them to spend all of their time searching for her. She wasn’t that important.
She wanted to be, though.
And she knew that she would never have stopped looking for him. She would never have neglected her responsibilities, but she would have made sure that Rodney was using every spare moment and every crazy idea to search for him. She would have had Ronon and Teyla putting out feelers. She would have torn the galaxy apart until she knew for sure where he was and she would have brought him home.
The fact that he didn’t do the same for her broke her heart.
She wondered how much longer she’d make it.
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