Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Romance

Dec 06, 2010 23:25

Title: Fragrance of a Storm
Author: Higuchimon/cynthia_harrell
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Pairing: Asuka x Manjoume
Table: Romance
Prompt: #14, certainty
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Asuka and Manjoume's romance wasn't handed to either of them on a silver platter. This was something they had to work for. But as sure as a storm, as sweet as perfume, they'll be together.
Word Count: 300
Notes: Fourth season, though no especial time in it.

Asuka wondered about Manjoume. He was weird, talking to the air (well, she supposed that had to be his Ojamas, but she kind of preferred not to think about that too much), listening to her brother far more than was healthy, and thinking he was a detective whenever something mysterious turned up.

He hadn’t always been as nice as he was now. Granted, he wasn’t always nice now, either. But they had known one another since junior high and she had seen him change.

It started when he came back from North School. She cheered for Juudai in that duel, of course, but seeing how his brothers treated him opened her eyes. He had his reasons, and she had a lot to learn about him.

She hadn’t tried to learn much then, though. The Seven Stars and worrying about her brother took up much of her time. When Fubuki recovered and he and Manjoume became friends, she understood Manjoume even less than before.

He and Fubuki-nii-san have a lot in common. That was where their friendship began, she realized, and possibly part of why she hadn’t wanted hers with Manjoume to become more.

Manjoume confused her, she realized, almost as much as her brother did. Yet there were certain things she did understand. His loyalty was unmatched once he gave it. He devoted almost all of his heart to his deck, no matter how strange of a deck it was. He was a powerful duelist who would be legendary one day.

Though for all of his strangeness, she was certain that he cared about her. It was comforting to know that in his own quirky, confusing, and difficult to deal with way, he loved her.

Not that she was ever going to tell him or Fubuki that she understood that.

The End

author: cynthia_harrell, fandom: yu-gi-oh gx, table: romance

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