Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Romance

Nov 24, 2010 23:07

Title: Fragrance of a Storm
Author: Higuchimon/cynthia_harrell
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Pairing: Asuka x Manjoume
Table: Romance
Prompt: #17, sweet
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Asuka and Manjoume's romance wasn't handed to either of them on a silver platter. This was something they had to work for. But as sure as a storm, as sweet as perfume, they'll be together.
Word Count: 300
Notes: This takes place in between seasons three and four, after Juudai's return but before the season four plot gets going.

Tome-san kept her store well supplied with everything the students might need: cards, spare parts of duel disks, notebooks, pens, and when the right time of year came around, chocolate and the ingredients to make chocolate.

Asuka examined one of the offerings with a critical eye. Junko and Momoe were already at the counter with piles of candy. Asuka took her time. She only wanted to give candy to a few people this year, those being Juudai, Shou, Manjoume, and her brother.. Perhaps she’d send something to Jim, though she didn’t think it would arrive on time for the holiday.

Her thoughts drifted back to Manjoume. First year’s Valentine’s Day, he wasn’t here at all. Then last year… She frowned; had anything happened last year? She couldn’t remember. That had been…that time. The White time.

She shook her head to get rid of the chill as it crept down her spine and stared at the box of chocolate in front of her. This must be a new brand. I haven’t seen that lightning logo before. The name didn’t mean anything to her, but perhaps it would be worth a try.

Later that night, back in her room, she tried one of the chocolates from that box, curious to see what it would be like. As the sweet taste broke over her tongue, sending delicious chocolate joy all through her, she sighed in rapture. I think I’m going to get a lot more of this.

Asuka seldom ate chocolate, but she finished the box that night, and went back the next day to purchase another one. This one she kept safe however. There was only one person who should get this come Valentine’s Day.

She hoped Manjoume liked this chocolate as much as she did.

When Valentine’s Day arrived, he did.

The End

author: cynthia_harrell, fandom: yu-gi-oh gx, table: romance

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