Title: Strength
snoozin81Fandom: Gossip Girl
Characters/Pairing: Blair/Chuck
Table: Sex
Prompt: #10 Swallow
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Nate calls Blair in Paris.
Notes: Set post Season 3 finale.
( She’s on the first plane home, settling for coach because first class is full. ) Title: For Chuck
snoozin81Fandom: Gossip Girl
Characters/Pairing: Blair/Chuck
Table: Sex
Prompt: #12 Dirty
Rating: R
Warnings: Vaguely Implied sexal content
Word Count: 100
Summary: Blair goes to meet Jack.
Notes: Takes place during season 3.
( She lets the mantra repeat over and over again in her head as she breaths deeply. ) Title: Under Arrest
snoozin81Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters/Pairing: Veronica/Lamb
Table: Law and Order
Prompt: #2 Arresting
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Lamb arrests Veronica for stealing the Sack 'n Pack tape.
Notes: Takes place post Pilot.
( “Kinky but incase you've forgotten I’m underage.” )