if you dont read this because its long well go to hell

Dec 01, 2005 16:56

so here are some random things i have been thinking about recently

1. trophies vs. grades; when you are a little kid everyone gets a trophy, everyone always does no matter how much you suck, even if you are the worst player on the team you get the god damn trophy. to be quite honest i was always this kid, i am not good at sports in any way, however i always really enjoyed getting that trophy, i felt like it really meant something i would display them, i would show them off, it did not matter to me that i was actually really bad a football, soccer (sp), baseball, whatever it was, i really liked getting that trophy. later in life i found that though i was not good at any of the popular sports or for that matter any of the unpopular sports i found that i was however much smarter than most people (not to be concieted) but i did find i could understand most intelecutal things much better than other people could. as such i was very proud of myself and in some ways held myself above other people who did not do as well. when i was in highschool i found that many people who were good at sports were rewarded academically for work they did not do, and only because they were on various sports teams and needed to play or were just considered so popular it did not really matter. at the time this really pissed me off, more than you could ever believe, i mean seriously i thought i was better than these people. now i realize perhaps there is something to this, when i was really poor at various athletic activities i was rewarded with a trophy for no reason at all, later in life when those who were good at the atheletic activities were rewarded with moderate acedemic sucess i was appaled, though now i realize that perhaps it was based on the same principal. i at one time was really bad at something but was rewarded for my participation, later those who were bad at what i was good at were rewarded for their participation; it is simply a process that makes those who do not excell at one thing feel a little better about their short comings. it is truly amazing that it took me 23 years to understand such a simple aspect of human compassion.

2. the bible, specifically revelations. the final chapter in the bible explains how the world will come to and end, in a very specific manner, describing how the east will come to power exibiting various signs of the beast which will eventually lead to the end of humaity. this chapter of the bible has always fascinated me as it is less religous and way more prophetic than anything jesus ever did. either way, the point is that when one looks at this chapter objectively, one can see many things that the average christian does not. this book was written in the areas of mesopatamia and ur fine cites in their time, not so much now; but the primary point is all of revelations stems from the far east. the average belief is that the far east is china, or other asian areas, however this book was written in asia, supsequently making the idea of the far east being asian obselete; any one in asia writing about the far east would be speaking of the americas, and idea that is so far gone from us it is never even considered. though when one looks at this book from this perspective one can not help but see the following truths; if we are the far east than the first sign of the beast has allready come to pass, a chah-less society, we have been moving in the path of the credit and debit card for over 30 years, additonally we are one of few countries that supply federal wellfare, also a chsh-less aspect. more than this one must consider the 3 horsemen of the apocolpsye, what american does not know about, billy the kid, wyaat erp, or the sundance kid, these are the three most ruthless american figures ever, killing for good or evil or both. also in the end of the revelations it mentions that the end will cause all the rivers to over flow with the blood of the innocent (ie the americans attacking the iraqis in a manner that has caused death equal to that of hiroshima) we are the revelation, if god does in fact exist (which i do not believe) than we have come to the reckoning, if there is acutally a christian god. let he/she have mercy on the devils soul.
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