(no subject)

Apr 17, 2007 20:58

I know it's been said (maybe just not by me) .... but   -PEOPLE-  how on earth is it STILL possible for almost anyone with some money and a name to purchase a GUN? How many more "lessons" do we need to learn before this changes?

One day, you're cramming for exams and joking with friends about procrastinating and looking forward to summer and novels and seeing your family. The next day, you're dead. You and 30-some others. You're all dead because someone mentally ill enough to go violently berserk was provided with no barriers to purchasing (repeatedly) semi-automatic weapons just because he had a bank card and a valid driver's license.

The right to bear arms? Fine  -  for the freaking WILD WEST when there were more coyotes than crazies (not that I endorse coyote-shooting either...) But don't people think that, in this day and age, it's time for that "right" to be superseded by the right for a student's biggest worry in the last week of term to be whether or not s/he is going to pass the bio-chem final?

If Dr. Weezie ruled the world, there'd be no more of these gun-wielding shenanigans. :(

Dr. Weezie is sad and surprised and not surprised. Again.
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