A New Year

Jan 10, 2007 12:21

How bad of a procrastinator do you have to be when you haven't gotten around to making your "new year's resolutions" and it's nearly the ides of January? I suppose I could act righteously-indignant and pretend that I deeply empathize with Greco-Roman Jews and their vitriolic calendrical disputes, and I don't believe it's REALLY the new year until some time in February, so, out of solidarity with the Essenes or Hasidim or Maccabees or something, I'm protesting by not making my New Year's Resolutions until the "real" time.

But that would be false.

In fact, I am just a "busy" person who usually has overly-optimistic visions of how much can fit into one day/week/month/year, and then spends her life scrambling after her too-lofty (or at least too-prolific) goals.

I wonder if - maybe - my resolutions should have something to do with that? I could vow to do less, join less, volunteer less, dream less, say "yes" less.


That wouldn't be any fun at all!

I think I'll vow to drink more water instead. That one's an old standby. One of these years, I might even do it.

Stay tuned for my resolutions - probably sometime in February...
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