Vacation, etc.

Sep 01, 2010 15:49

Got back from Montenegro yesterday. I went with a friend and we spent most of our time chilling on the beach and reading, so there's not really much to report about the whole thing. We did take a short trip to Croatia, though, and it was FABULOUS~. Dubrovnik is a gorgeous, gorgeous city, I felt positively depressed about leaving it. Expensive as hell, but well worth every penny. There's live jazz at every corner and they serve the hugest freaking cocktails I have ever seen. I'll see about uploading some pics one of these days, because talking can hardly do the architecture justice. Going back to Montenegro after all that was about as exciting as visiting a dairy farm. With lots of stupid rocks everywhere. And coming back home to a temperature of 15 degrees (wtf, Summer?) bummed me out even more. I hate it when Summer ends.
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