About experience

Oct 05, 2012 22:10

Zdravstvui! Etot about experience!

Today Nikolay poluchaet v morda again. Ochen mnogo silnoe and za delo. Etot happens everyday and regularnoe. Nikolay surovy, molchit and uhodit v svoe dom, but v next day Etot Takoe again.

- Pochemu Takoe everyday, Nikolay? - sprosit Viktor. - Ya tvoe Druh and NET ponimaet Etot.
- Etot NET tvoe delo! Ty NET ponimaet, because idiot! - skazhet Nikolay and poluchaet v morda again.
- Nikolay! Etot glupy! NET delaet Takoe more! - skazhet Svetlana, but Nikolay NET slyshat Etot, because poluchaet mnogoe silny travma.

Mnogoe time Nikolay NET slushat and rugaet friends regularnoe, but after odin year Nikolay NET poluchaet v morda at all, because ponimaet.

- Etot too long and hard way for ponimaet! - skazhet Sergey.
- Da, Takoe, - otvetit Nikolay and razumny.

Hochet znat mnogoe about korotkoe way? Chitaet novy book "All about Polezny"!
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