Result of Proverit

Aug 25, 2010 22:07

Zdravstvui! Today Ya poluchit result of proverit Etot krugly. Etot - shayba for hockey. Stary, vonyuchy and NET rabotaet more. Unfortunately Etot sovsem NET polezny for Ya. Rezinovy.

But Ya reshit NET vybrasyvaet Etot like drugoe plohoy! Ya otnosit Etot k jeweller and prosit vyrezaet figurny suvenir. Ya pridumat dvoe figura for Etot:

1. Russki Eagle with dva heads! Etot krasivy and horoshee sposob pomnit about glupy shayba!
2. Anchor! Etot krasivy too, but prostoe and vyrazytelny! And cheaper than Eagle!

Both - NET vozmozhny sdelaet or budet too melky. Kakoe Ty schitaet mnogo horoshy? Etot or Etot?


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