[Profile] Toshiko's Profiles

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Roleplay examples:

Who: Toshiko Sato
Where: The Hub
When: December 11, 07 - 2 AM
Rating: G

Toshiko had been looking over some more information to see if it could help them in anyway with what they were looking for. She had placed the file of the dead girl at the corner of her computer desk while she worked away on trying to piece together the information they had on her computer and sighed softly.

"Ianto, I wouldn't mind some coffee please." she stated, looking over to her fellow team member, then glanced at Gwen and smiled,"I see you are working hard also."


"I think we all know why we are here" she said, giving a small glance over to Owen to show that she had acknowledged that he was here.

I don't think anyone can forget... she thought to herself, as she tried to continue on with some work.

However, how could she work.. when they didn't really know what was going on.

where are you jack?, she thought looking at her screen blankly

gallifrey_rpg profile

Character Sheet - Toshiko Sato

Dr Toshiko Sato was in UNIT Detention center for building a Sonic Modulator for an unnamed terrorist group, until she was saved by Jack Harkness and put to work for Torchwood, covering for Owen Harper along the way during one mission at Albion Hospital. As she has moved on with Jack and his team, she has slowly made friends within the ranks, even if sometimes she has been easily manipulated by female aliens and mystery technology. Toshiko is very intelligent and is the group's Computer Expert as well as Alien Language translator. She has had dated Owen Harper before, and still likes him in that way, even if he doesn't notice it at first.

Attributes - Human (15 pts)
Strength: 2/5 (+1)
Dexterity: 2/5 (+1)
Stamina: 3/5 (+2)
Charisma: 3/5 (+2)
Manipulation: 2/5 (+1)
Appearance: 2/5 (+2)
Perception: 2/5 (+1)
Intelligence: 4/5 (+3)
Wits: 3/5 (+2)

Special Skills:

Computer Whizzery - Is very good at working with all things computers
Alien Language Translator - translates alien languages for others so that they can understand them
Medical Knowledge - She can help a lot with medical injuries
Alien Technology - is almost always up to date in what certain technology is


Easily Manipulated - can be forced to do things beyond her own will
Attraction to the same sex - has been once in love with another woman and regrets it

Attempted and Declined Applications


Mun Information
Name 〜Donna
Journal 〜 [info]empress_donna
Timezone 〜GMT
IM 〜chibamamoruusako
Current Characters 〜None here

Character Information
Name 〜Toshiko 'Tosh' Sato
Fandom 〜Torchwood
Timeline 〜Taken from Season 1 - Season 2 of Torchwood (including her appearance in Doctor Who)
Notes 〜 Toshiko Sato was born in London in 1975. Within the few years of her life her parents moved back to their hometown, Osaka in Japan in 1977 then went back to the uk in 1986.

Toshiko Sato is a member of the Cardiff Torchwood team and is well known for her computer knowledge which includes the ability to translate alien languages. Most of her work she has done has been inside of the hub, however, when outside of the hub, she assists the team in finding information about where the enemy is and where rift fluctuations are.

As a person, Toshiko keeps herself to herself most of the time and hasn't really got close to anyone in the team apart from Owen. Other than that, she feels a bit left out from the team but she knows that in the past while, she has grown closer to the rest of the team and feels she can talk to them a lot more than she had done previously.

Sample 〜 She found herself locked away in the hub by herself again. Yet another long night deciphering an alien language or checking CCTV for mysterious goings on in the world that surrounded her.

She gently sighed, as her hand glided over to her half cold cup of coffee and sipped on it gently. Apart from the fact that she needed a new cup of coffee, the taste didn't really bother her, apart from the fact it was perhaps a tad too strong for her liking. Bitter lukewarm coffee wasn't really the best for keeping away a cold.

At least if Ianto was here, she could get a nicely made cup of coffee. He knew what she liked, without really having to say much. Just a quick nod, and a mention of coffee made her colleague go and whip one up in the coffee maker.

Oh how she wished she could hear the noise the maker made just now! It was way too quiet in the hub for her liking, even though her breathing and fast paced typing usually echoed in her ears in instances like this. But she wouldn't mind the comforting feeling of knowing someone else other than her was working late doing something or another.


Player Info
Name/nickname: Donna/Donnaness
LJ Name: empress_donna
Email address: empress_donna_of_opal_anime@yahoo.co.uk
AIM handle/Yahoo!/MSN/Google Talk (list all or as many as applicable): AIM - chibamamoruusako Yahoo - empress_donna_of_opal_anime MSN - serenamadlol@hotmail.com
Time Zone (if outside of the US, list country): GMT, United Kingdom
Age Statement (you must write a statement that you are over 18, including your age): I am nearly 20 years old. My year of birth is 1988.
How you found us: rpg_list livejournal community
Past RP Experience: I have been roleplaying online for about 7 years. I have been in LJ rpg's for about 2 years.

Character Info
Character Name: Toshiko 'Tosh' Sato
Character Medium (television, book, movie): Television
Character Fandom: Torchwood

Brief Biography: Before fully being a member of Torchwood, Toshiko was a medical doctor at Albion Hospital. During her time at the hospital, she became a member of Torchwood, and began to infiltrate it on their behalf.

One of her missions in the hospital, was to identify a supposed alien corpse, and this is when she first met The Doctor.

Toshiko is the technical expert of the Torchwood team. She is usually seen in the hub at her many computer screens trying to infiltrate CCTV footage or translating alien languages for the team.

Gamma Site Biography: Since arriving at the Gamma Site, Toshiko has been trying to figure out what kind of alien technology is on board and why exactly they were there.

Apart from this, she has been keeping out of trouble (or so she hopes!) by reading the odd book or two. She also keeps notes in her diary about the day to day runnings of the Gamma Site and how she feels to be there.

Writing Sample:

I decided to post more than one sample... I hope that is ok

From LJ rpg community twbeginsrpg, LJ account - dr_toshiko_sato

"I think we all know why we are here" she said, giving a small glance over to Owen to show that she had acknowledged that he was here.

I don't think anyone can forget... she thought to herself, as she tried to continue on with some work.

However, how could she work.. when they didn't really know what was going on.

where are you jack?, she thought looking at her screen blankly

From LJ rpg community br_oblivion, LJ account - aiko_yoshino

After picking a few more tangerines and putting them into her bag, Aiko listened to both announcements as they echoed across the island. Taking a pen out of her bag and her map, she noted down the danger zones and realised that soon they would be in one.

Rushing to put her map and pen back into her bag, she felt the long hard weapon in her bag.. but she didn't pull it out..

Putting the bag on her back quickly, she started to jog off to c-10.

About 50mins later she had got outside of e-08 and got to d-08, she rested against a tree for a bit, taking her water out of her bag and taking a sip. Then 10mins later, with water in her bag, she started off again, finally reaching c-10 about 40mins or so after.

She noticed the lighthouse, and wondered if she would be safe there.

ooc, profile

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