Quite Partial to Treats

Oct 08, 2009 15:51

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Hauldr_tbrennan goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Wonder Woman.cmon_bones gives you 9 yellow chocolate-flavoured pieces of taffy.cosmicbalance gives you 14 purple banana-flavoured nuggets.dani_kypros gives you 1 mottled green orange-flavoured gummy bats.dial_a_psychic gives you 7 softly glowing pineapple-flavoured wafers.enorthman gives you 6 green peach-flavoured wafers.havetobeafather gives you 9 light yellow root beer-flavoured gummy bats.notquiteplanned gives you 5 mottled green licorice-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.oohsweetie gives you 5 purple blueberry-flavoured jawbreakers.rounduptolez gives you 12 tan coffee-flavoured jawbreakers.william_tbloody tricks you! You get a piece of paper.dr_tbrennan ends up with 68 pieces of candy, and a piece of paper.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
[ooc note: I cannot believe that she got pineapple candy from Shawn! Way to go random generator meme thingy! lol]

[what] meme, [who] shawn

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