This is a wonderful day off. I didn't get to sleep in though, my mom called at like 9:00. It is better than waking up a 6:00 in the morning. Spring break will come soon enough, I will get my sleep then. Church last night We had people from another church there so it was packed. Chris had tight pants on and a shirt that had only one shoulder. Very funny. Greg was Napolean, he needed a wig to make it complete. We had a liger too. There was double the tater tots than usual.
Would you run?
Imagine this is happining to you...
One Sunday morning during service a 2,000member congregation was surprised to see tow men enter both covered from head to toe in black and carriying submachine guns. One of the men proclamed, "Anyone willing to take a bullet for Christ remain seated where you are". Immeiatley, the chior fled... the deacons fled... and most of the cogregaton fled. Out of the 2,000 thre only remained 20. The man who had spoken took of his hood and looked at the preacher. He said " Okay Pastor, I got rid of all the hypocrites. Please continue on with your service. The two men turned and walked out.
Would you run? Jesus didn't. He gave his life so we could live. He stood up for us. The least we could do is not run. I will take a bullet for Jesus any day, what about you? If you say you would stand your ground for Him, than go you. If you say that you believe in God and are a Christian, but would run you are a hypocrite. Being a Chrisian is a full time thing. It is not a 'only on Sunday' gig. If you want Him in your life you need to be ready to take Him on, full time. It's how it works. If you are worried how people will think of you, you need not to. Their thoughts don't matter. The only person would need to worry about Is Him. It only matters what he thinks of you. Get wild about Jesus. Go crazy.
I finally got my xanga together. Visit it sometime. Have Fun!