Finals are coming in less than 2 weeks.... I'm SO SCARED!! and sooo behind the school.
Good thing I have all face-up works done now and I can work on school in full speed x__x and I cross my fingers to have my GPA stays at 3.00 like this until my graduation *criessssssss* it gets all crazy towards the end of school year and my GPA went from 3.53 to...3.0 least now I found my own path as freelance artist and doll customize.
*le sigh* my style doesn't really suit loli style at all....and totally not satisfied with the outcome, but I don't have time to fix anything now T___T
Hanzel & Gretel in sweets land
Saturday is coming and I can't wait to take a small break to LA and have lots of fun and shopping at Volks USA! T___T
this is another one
eeeeeek crooked eye again oTL!!! gotta fix that later x_____x