
Feb 02, 2010 22:36

(The video turns on to show, what seems to be, a supply closet.  Though the shelves are somewhat empty, one can still see some supplies, mostly medical.  It is clear from the position of the video that Hatori has placed the comm on one of the shelves.

As the image becomes clearer, one can see Hatori leaning against a table, his arms crossed in such a way that his right elbow is on top of the other arm, while rubbing the bridge of his nose with two fingers.  He doesn't look as neat as he usually does, though that merely means that he isn't wearing his tie and his shirt is a bit more wrinkled than usual. In fact, his tie is on the table. It is clear in his face that he is troubled--most likely from the lack of supplies in front of him and around Discedo.  It is also easy to tell that he is extremely tired.  It isn't easy finding a quiet place to sleep in the Sohma apartment.  Not with Ayame there, at least.

He rubs the bridge of his nose for a while more before straightening up and straightening out his shirt with a quiet cough.  Then, he puts on the tie and begins to tie it slowly, coughing quietly every so often.  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes.  Sticking one in his mouth, he doesn't light it as he walks over to the communicator.  However, he stops when he sees that it has been recording.  Returning to his normal, cool composure, he grabs it.)

Dr. Yagokoro.  I'd like to have a word with you.

Shigure, you as well.

(Then, he turns the video off.  Curse his luck.)

why is it so cold, ayame, it's cold in winter, the doctor is sick, isuzu, call the police, rare occasion, all that taking off his coat for others, need more supplies, supplies, yuki, he's only human, i will remain cool, too cool to admit anything, shigure, this sucks, hatsuharu

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