So... I'm healthy?

Mar 17, 2006 14:48

Apparently it's all about the attitude - even (or especially?) with your health.

I had a health examination today and they had given me a form to fill in beforehand. I had answered all the questions thoroughly and ended up feeling really "ill" - because of all the ticks I had put in boxes like "I frequently suffer from headaches / back aches / neck aches / being tired" etc.

Today, however, is a beautiful day with lots of sunshine and light and I was in a great mood when I walked in the nurse's room. My back hurt like hell, my head was being hammered (but after all, I've had a couple of years to get used to it, so it doesn't really bother me that much) and my neck was stiff - as usual. The spring weather gave me heaps of energy, though, and I was smiling and cheerful when I got in.

Faithfully, I told the nurse that I loved studying med, that I had met really great people at uni and I had awesome friends from before uni, that I enjoyed living on my own, that I had a long-term relationship that worked quite well and so on. I told her that I wasn't so great in stress managing but I tried (smiling when I said so). To put it shortly, I was having a great time... let's face it, it's fun talking about myself! :D

My blood pressure was measured and was ridiculously high (I saw the numbers and nearly fainted right there and then - I mean warning, warning, how can anyone my age have such a high BP?!?) and I complained about all the head, back and neck trouble I had ticked on the paper earlier. That, it turned out, was just a minor detail. "It seems to me like you're a completely healthy young lady with a great attitude towards living."

Well... well... I guess it just goes to show that it's all about the emphasis. My spirits had been lifted because of the weather and that's why it didn't matter that my BP was at the level of those 70-something people with medication for it! --- Well, I have to admit that both the nurse and I first considered it "white coat hypertony"... and when I measured the BP myself with one of the machines concentrating on other stuff, it was much lower. :) So maybe she had a point after all.

Still, it doesn't cease to amaze me how much you can draw the focus off your actual physical condition! - Maybe that's something I need to consider later in working life! ... And now, too. I mean if it makes me healthy just thinking happy thoughts... why not give it a go?

Positive energy rocks.
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