Apr 23, 2006 02:11
Rodney was torn from his thoughts when they arrived home. Even from here he could smell lunch and was grateful that Radek had brought Rachel into the group. Not only was she a wonderful woman and fantastic in bed, she could cook.
As soon as the doors opened he followed his nose to the kitchen. {Shenzi, I smell food.}
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Shoes, socks and pants are next, leaving him in just John's t-shirt style undershirt. He grabs a pair of John's boxers and dons them then moves to sit beside Rae. He puts his arm around her shoulders on top of Rodney's and soon the boys are in a playful shoving contest over who gets to have their arm around Rae.
{She was my wife first!}
{I was here first!}
{I knew her first!}
{She wouldn't be on this expedition in the first place if I hadn't approved her!}
//You are a miserable little man, Rodney McKay!//
{I understood that! And I'm not the one who's 'little' here, Zippy!}
//It's Zelenka and you know it! That hasn't worked since after the storm!//
{It hasn't? Damn!}
They finally shared a look then nodded as one. {Right.} Radek picked Rae up without warning and held her in his lap as he and Rodney both scooted to fill in the spot she had once occupied. He settled Rae in between his legs then leaned against Rodney as the larger man wrapped his arm around Radek's shoulder. Radek's arms wrapped themselves around Rae's waist.
Rae squeaked as she was dragged into Radek's legs and dumped between his legs as he snuggled into Rodney. More giggles ensued as she leaned back into Radek's comfortable embrace. It was... It just felt right. 'Please, my Ladies,' Rachel entreated her Goddesses silently, 'Let it be like this for many, many years to come...'
She lifted the remote Rodney had rigged (trust Rodney to make doodads to make home more "homey"), and queued up the DVD program. {We needed you so you could critique the new Czech forward for the St. John's Fog Devils, Ivo Mocek, during the playoffs. I'll just sit here and make fun of the French team. From Gatineau, no less.} She looked up, somehow feeling Radek's look of confusion. {Town in Quebec Province. That they made it to the playoffs indicates either an act of God or a deal with the Devil.} She gave him a quick kiss and turned back to the screen, snagging a handful of Rodney's popcorn.
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