Jul 30, 2008 19:07
After weeks away from England, I touched down again in Manchester. After the lovely summer holiday spent back home, I always ponder on why I still bothered coming back to England. Arrgghh.... for work, so called, for better future, so called.... well, probably work for a few years here and I shall see where I want to go next.....
We have started the week of induction with lots of talks, seminars and short courses. I have survived three days so far. This year, the group of F1 consists not only of our university's graduates, but also a lot of other graduates from other universities. A nice mix, I would think. Everybody seems very friendly.
I just realized that I often lack patience when making friends. I often expect instant, complete trust and have no patience in trying to build up bonds with people. I just realized that maybe any relationship at this stage of life require a little bit more than just feeling. It requires time, effort and also a lot of compromises.
Today's CRP course really scared me. I have attended ALS course before, and passed it with no difficulty. But after 3 months of just play and no work, I have forgotten some of the important facts about defibrillators. I was better in the shockable rhythm, but very bad on remembering the algorithm for non-shockable rhythm. Tonight when I go back home, I would read the ALS book again, to refresh my memory.
Well, I guess the pressure now would no longer be that I want to do well in everything I do, it would also comes from the fact that the better I know my medicine, the better I can treat my patients.
Let's hope that I improve everyday, in the hectic one year to come.