Choose Namibia - RTP 2009

Nov 24, 2008 14:35

Choose Life, Choose a race, Choose a pack, Choose some trainers, Choose a credit card and a fucking big overdraft, Choose continually feeling like you should train more, Choose aches, pains and sprains, Choose spending your weekend on "long runs" developing an obsession with kit until all your friends disown you, Choose repacking a dozen times to shed 100g before discovering your pack is still far too heavy, Choose running in 40+ degree heat with no shade, Choose sleeping in a tent with 7 randoms all as crazy as you, Choose week old body aroma, Choose back to back marathons until there's a difference in your number of toenails to toes, Choose Blisters, Haemotomas and chaffing, Choose lubrication, Choose sitting in the medical tent wondering where it all went wrong, Choose drugs, drugs and more drugs, Choose waking in the dead of night stumbling like a 90 year old over tent buddies in the dark to find the toilet, Choose a bottle, Choose the long day finding your own private realm of madness,
Choose determination, Choose euphoria,Choose loving the whole thing and coming back for more!

Choose the experiece.............

Choose Racing the Planet .....

Choose Namibia 2009,,

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